Nothing's Left (Lisa POV)

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I heard someone's gossiping about jennie while I was in toilet cubicle. And I learnt her dad is currently being treated in a hospital.Appearantly her dad got involve in car accident that happened like 3 days ago. I was shocked for a second as I got that news. No wonder she didn't come to the college. Suddenly I felt worried by her condition. Is she okey?  I should go to hospital to support her. 

Later that afternoon I decided to pay visit to jennie's dad. I bought some healthy foods for her family as a sign of sympathy. I know sooner or later I have to meet her family since I'm in a relationship with their lovely daughter. I have to admit, I feel extremely nervous. Will they be okey if I courting their daughter. My heart beating so fast and it keeps increasing as I made my way to the hospital entrance. Soon as I reached the lobby, I asked the receptionist where is Mr. Kim's bed located. But out of nowhere I saw jennie walking like few meters away from me. She's actually about to enter the elevator. Rushly I walk heading to her and calling her name. She look quite stunned by my appearance.

As I observed her figure further, suddenly I felt like my heart being crushed. She looks so weak and lack of energy. She always hype whenever I saw her. But today she looks different. I could only see sadness in her eyes. It felt strange to see her in this kind of states. Few moments later we take a sit on the bench in the hospital hallway. Jennie's dad were currently in a room near to where we're sitting. Soon I started the conversation. "You okey?" I keep my eyes on her waiting for her respond.  She just forcing a smile while shaking her head. Her eyes were watery. It such an unpleasent view. I was affected by her condition. I wish I could take all of the sorrowness in her body.

Few seconds later she begin to speak. "Its my fault, I was disagreeing with his plan and we had a huge fight. I left him without saying anything. He was worried and searching for me everywhere, because of me.. he got involved in an accident" she starts sobbing infront of me trying to cover her mouth. Its breaking my heart. "my parents literally trying to call me. They're so worried. But.. I just ignored their calls, I was fucking you instead". I don't know what to say. I don't know how to comfort someone. I could only listen and stay quiet. For a moment I felt like I'm useless. I clench my fist trying to control my frustration. I wish I could offer something to comfort jennie. I end up sitting stiff next to her without doing anything.

I could only heard the sounds of jennie's soft sobbing in the hallway. I pity her so much. I want to make her feel better but I don't know how. "Lisa" weakly she called soon as she calm down. Immediately I divert my sight from the floor to her face. "I.. I'm sorry but I couldn't longer continue our relationship". I was shocked. I never expect for her to say that. I want to say something but my mouth just going numb. My heart started to ache upon hearing her decision. For a moment I felt like something is blocking my breathing system. I can't utter a single words. I can't feel myself. I was just there froze.

It didn't took long for her to stand up and walk away disappearing out of my vision. My heart shattered into pieces. I'm literally in the beginning of experiencing affection of love, but now I'm experiencing being hurt. I guess no one meant to stay and fight for me. It seems like my fate already carve to be alone until my last breath. And it seems like jennie couldn't change my destiny.

Now she's gone.

Intersex (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora