Bugging You Ver. 2.0 (Jennie POV)

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To tell you I've been stalking lisa for days now. And I already understand the pattern of her daily schedule. I don't care if you want to call me a creepy stalker, I'm trying to make an amendment right here. So I need to know how's her life going on. I'm actually waiting for a right time confront her again. And I felt like today is the most suitable time. Few minutes ago I saw her stepping out of her house and I assumed she'll be back in an hour. I've been thinking hard what should I do to get her attention. I know she still mad at me and it hurts my feeling when she said no one will stick with her til the end. I really want to proof it to her that her point is wrong. I mean I'm literally waiting 3 years for her to come back in Australia. She better stop copying my flaw for making such a rush conclusion. Cause I'm completely suffering for making a wrong path.

So I waited in my rented car for a about 50 minutes before lisa get back here. I try to make myself looks pale by wearing a white color lipstick on my lips. And take a chance to practice myself on how to act like I'm freezing. 5 minutes before she arrived, I'm already preparing myself infront of her house. I started to put on an act to trap her. A moment later she appeared. I'm actually feeling excited to see her again. I wish I could hug her already. I miss her so so much that I want to kiss her. Or ride on top of her to be specific. It make sense that I want something like that from lisa since I didn't get laid for 3 years! So please understand my wild hormones.

I'm not kidding she look quite stunned by my appearance. "Jennie what are you doing here? you should go home" immediately she asked. Her face looks worried. Deep down inside I'm very happy. It seems like I still give her an effect. So I try my hardest to act like I'm feeling cold, dramatically I shake my body while putting on pity face that could beat up a any actresses in the world. "I know, I just want to see you. Can I atleast have a cup of coffee? I'm cold" I fake everything including my raspy voice. And yup. She's so innocent that she fell for it. A moment later I entered her place. Silently I'm rejoicing for my smooth wicked plan.

Now we're in the kitchen. I was sitting on the kitchen island waiting for lisa making me a cup of coffee. I crave for her affection. I took a chance to just staring at her. She still looks the same. For once I'm imagining kissing her lips so hard cause she look so adorable. Once she turn around. I put on a sick face. "Here drink it now" hastily she hand me a cup of hot coffee. So with trembling hands I took it from her and drink it slow. I'm still putting an act. I'm want all of her attention.

"umm. have you eat?" she asked as she standing infront of the kitchen island while turning her head to look at me. Yes honey! I already did but I want to stay here. So I lied. "No. But its okey. I'm just gonna leave after this" I try to sounds exhausted. About 5 minutes later I saw 2 plates of foods on the table. She then take a sit next to me and give me a fork. "I bought thai foods. Lets share" she told. I'm not kidding, at some point I felt like I want to cry. I miss being under her care. Soon we eat silently in the kitchen room. But somehow the atmosphere felt warm and comfortable.

Nevertheless, this is not the end of my sly plan. My mission going so well when at the end lisa send me back to my rented place. Oh yeah about my car I'll figure it our later. What's important right now is I could spend some time with lisa today.

Soon as we arrived I thanked lisa for her kindness. But then as I about to get out of her car, I heard her voice calling me. "Jennie" it took some times for her to speak again. "Please don't wait infront of my house again" she has this unreadable expression. I don't know why but her words were stabbing right into my soul. I felt hurt. But then, I was actually judging her too fast. I felt relieved once she continued her words "You might get sick". Suddenly my eyes felt like burning. I thought she want to get rid of me, when eventually she just feel worried on my health. I felt touched by her thoughtful act. Now I know, she still care about me. The moment she drove off, I was sobbing like an ugly bitch.

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