"What's happening to him?"

"Step back and you'll know." Jungkook did as he was asked.

He saw Jennie crawling coming towards towards the body of Taehyung. Her face is covered with water, sweat and tears mixed.

She was in pain. She was in quite pain but still she didn't stop. She came to her brother and finally dropped beside him with her hand over Taehyung's heart.

Taehyung held her hand tightly and both of them intervened their hands.

"B-Bacon." Jennie said. Taehyung looked at her still not understanding.

"I-Is he som-somewhere n-near?" He asked and a tear slipped out of Jennie's eyes.

"Y-yes." She replied. "He w-was beside y-you all along."

"Kook. Kook we need to see the physician. Beck is not...." Yoongi stopped

"TAE..." Jimin yelled watching the condition of Taehyung same as Beakhyun.

"Bring him here Yoongi." Grandma said.

"But you said my touch will hurt him? Isn't it going to hurt Beakhyun when Yonngi hyung will...."

"You are his mate, Yoongi isn't. It's different. Hurry up bring him here." Grandma said and Yoongi ran inside.

"What the hell is happening to them?" Jungkook said desperately.

"Oh My.... Grandma this...." Luna said as soon as she entered.

"Is finally happening. I need to do this. It's now or never condition." Grandma said and drop her shawl  that she had over her shoulders.

Yoongi brought Beakhyun who was half conscious and condition same as the other two omega. Yoongi laid him down with Taehyung and Taehyung was confused.

"W-what happened...... t-to him?" Taehyung asked.

"Don't talk sweetie. Just hold his hand and place it right at his heart." Grandma said lifting his hand and placing it on Beakhyun's.

As soon as Taehyung held his hand a sharp pain ran down on his body and he felt like he is on fire. A screamed left his mouth making him to bump off the ground.

"Hold tight do not let his hand go and Jennie maintain the barrier." Grandma said and turned to her mate.

"She doesn't have any tattoo over her skin right?" Grandma said and the other nodded.

"Not even a small even a dot that she told you she had since she was young." Grandma said and Jisoo shook her head again.

"Other than a small butterfly tattoo that she had last year on our first mating anniversary nothing do she have." Jisoo said. Grandma nodded.

"Take a step back almost 5 steps back and hold yourself tight. If you are not strong enough then leave but do not get tempted by anything even a single word during the whole process.

"Okay" All of them said and took 5 steps back. Yoongi pulled Jimin close as being his Alpha he can protect him.

"I'm scared." Jimin said.

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