"I know..." says Draco, rubbing her back softly. A chuckle leaves his lips when he sees the twins, Adrian and Cassius running towards them, slowing down when they see Draco. "Should've waited for your friends and your boyfriend," he points out, pulling away for a second time, patting Carina's head.

A scoff leaves her mouth as she looks up at him. "Just because you're taller than me doesn't mean you get to order me around, Mister." She tells him, tapping his chest with her finger in a mocking manner. Pansy and Blaise laugh quietly at the expression that flashes across Draco's face before he rolls his eyes, pretending to be unfazed. Fred walks up to the siblings, slightly out of breath at how fast he'd gone after Carina, who grins sheepishly at him. "Hi."

"Hi," he replies in the same high pitched tone. Carina slaps his arm, narrowing her eyes at him. Before he can say or do something in return, there's a loud whistle coming from the Express, causing them all to turn around. "Saved by the bell, Miss Black," mumbles Fred, earning a giggle from Carina, who shrugs. "Good to see you, Malfoy," says Fred, giving the younger lad a nod in recognition. 

"Likewise, Weasley," replies the platinum haired boy, lips in a tight line. They're not friends, that much is clear. But they are friendly... friendlier than they would be if it wasn't for Carina, at least. "Let's go," Draco tells his two best friends, who follow after him. He steals one last look at his sister, smiling at her in a way he would never do for anyone else.

"It's so weird," Carina turns around at the sound of Harry's voice, who's standing next to Lee and Adrian. "Seeing him smile," specifies Harry when he sees Carina staring. "Genuinely smile." Carina can't help but laugh at Harry's comment. "What's funny?" He asks, slightly confused.

The girl bites the inside of her cheek as they begin to walk towards the train. "Nothing, he just smiles much more than you realise," she says with a shrug. Harry raises an eyebrow in disbelief. "You don't notice, but he does. Am I wrong?" Carina asks Adrian, who shakes his head.

"He's a little tough to crack but he's actually very... kind," he says, after not finding a better word. "He hides it well, though. He's good at that," adds Adrian, making Carina and Cassius nod.

"At scowling?" Asks Ron, now causing the Slytherins to laugh louder, making other students turn around at the harsh sound. 

"Aren't we all?" Retorts Cass, nudging Carina's side.

"You three?" Frowns Hermione, making them turn their attention to her. "I don't think you three are even remotely -" before she could even finish her sentence, the Emerald trio glare in her direction, making her blood run cold.

Carina chuckles darkly at the expression on Hermione's face. "Did you forget what people used to call me before I started hanging out with you Gryffindors?" Asks Carina, tilting her head to the side. The Slytherin Princess. Hermione visibly swallows, feeling a little scared at the look in Carina's eye. Fred and George exchange a knowing look, both of them with a slight twinkle in their eye. "We're joking, Mione," says the older witch, patting Hermione's shoulder.

At first, the girl tenses up, but relaxes almost instantly when Carina simply smiles. "You okay?" Asks Cassius, not being able to stop the smirk from growing on his face. "If you think about it, it's good that we're this scary," says Cass, taking the bag from Hermione's shoulder and placing it on the overhead compartment. "We're your friends... If you ever need to scare someone off, you know who to call," he adds. 

"T-Thank you," mumbles Hermione, flustered by the trio's actions. Harry snorts, sitting down in front of Ron and Hermione.

"Where are you sitting?" Asks Lee, looking up at Adrian, who smiles down at him.

for the one i love ; fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now