Not Telling (Kai)

Start from the beginning

I was hoping I would get away with not being noticed for a bit longer, but of course I was wrong to hope for that seeing as these two are werewolves. They can probably smell me or something weird and werewolf-y like that.

Trenton is the first to notice me as he abruptly stops talking to Roni and flares his nostrils, as if he's smelling the air, which... he probably is. He sharply turns his head in my direction and his cerulean gaze melds with my emerald stare. I cock my head to the side, confused at his serious and somewhat concerned expression. He smiles softly in my direction and all of me melts into a puddle where I stand. My breath hitches and I can feel a blush rising to my face and ears. I quickly duck my head and slowly make my way to my seat.

I guess after having time to get that nightmare off my mind, I feel a bit more at ease with these werewolves. I am still nervous and I think that I will be for a long time to come, but, whether it's the mate bond or not, I've never felt safer in anyone's presence than the way I do in Trenton's. I think it will just take me a long time to let go of what that werewolf did to my sister and her mate, I just hope I can learn to trust Trenton wholeheartedly like Kelly did with Miles. Miles was a werewolf, too, yet he never gave Kelly nor I a reason to ever fear him. Maybe Trenton and I can be like how they were. All I can do is hope that I can move on from what happened in the past and work on healing myself so I can give to Trenton what I know he deserves. I don't know what the Moon Goddess was thinking when she paired Trenton Wolfe, popular jock and apparently soon to be Alpha of his pack, with a meek human like me with PTSD, anxiety, and trust issues, but if I've learned anything from my sister, it's to never question why you were mated with someone or if you are worthy of them. The Moon Goddess decided to put us together for whatever reason, and I don't want to question her reasoning. If Trenton will have me, then I will try my best for him. I just hope he knows it will take some time for me to open up to him, if I ever can.

"Um... hey." I squeak out, taking my seat and trying to get my mind off the insecurities I have. I still don't know why anyone would want me, but so far Trenton has shown me nothing but gentleness and care, so all I can do is hope. It's not like I have anything to lose, anyway.

"Hey, Kai. How has your day been?" Roni asks me in that honey sweet voice of hers, looking up at me for a second before going back to eating her school bought lunch.

"Um, fine, I guess. How about you guys?" I gently ask, setting my bag on the table to find my sketchbook.

"Boring as usual. It's like school's main goal in life is to put students to sleep." Trenton chuckles, but there's something in his eyes that's telling me he wants to say something.

"Right... um, Trenton? Are you okay?" I decide to ask, hoping he can't tell how nervous I am to directly ask him a question. It's hard not to be nervous in the presence of two werewolves when the images of my sister's lifeless body on the ground holding onto her lifeless mate keep playing through my head, but I'm trying here.

"Hm? Am I okay? Shouldn't I be asking you that question?" He narrows his eyes at me, raising a brow.

"What do you mean?" I ask, tilting my head to the side to show my confusion.

"Well, your face is red, your hands are shaking, I can see that you're sweating, and you're a bit out of breath." Trenton states matter-of-factly, shocking me beyond belief. He pays that much attention to me? He can see my hands shaking? I didn't even know my hands were shaking until he pointed it out.

"Um... I'm fine." I squeak, ducking my head to look down at my sketchbook I finally managed to pull out, avoiding the oceanic gaze pointed in my direction that became too intense for me to continue gazing into.

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