Chapter 31: Fiery

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Jayden turns his head at the last moment and places soft lips on my left cheek. They stay for a moment. It wasn't much, but I relished those few seconds. It wasn't my first kiss, like how I hoped the night might turn. It was the first kiss on the cheek that truly meant something to me. 

He releases his lips, and pulls his head away. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck to embrace in a hug. He snakes his arms around my low back to pull me closer around his body. 

In that moment, I knew how deeply we both felt. I wouldn't accept any other fact that we didn't feel the same. I also had to face the reality that I wasn't quite ready for a relationship yet. I wasn't ready to bare my soul yet. I trusted him, yet a small, annoying thought kept telling me "No, not yet."

Not yet. 

It wasn't a complete shut off, no, never. 


I loosen my arms from his neck, signaling him to release as well. 

Speaking the last words of the night, I mutter one last, "Thank you." 

I climb into my car and drive off into the night. 

Well not far into the night, but just a minute to my house. 

I enter my dark home and kick off my heels, placing the bag of leftovers on the kitchen counter. I lean over across the cool counter, tired, frustrated. 

I wanted to be with Jayden...not yet.

"ARGGHGG" I scream into my empty quiet home. Heat travels up my hands pooling in my palms. Flaming fist spawned from my rage, confusion, passion...just everything that I was feeling in that moment. I pull my hands up, to see what I have conjured. This is why...this is why I have to wait and hold my feelings. Frustrated once again, I throw my flaming hands away from my body, flinging the fire into the house. It evaporates into nothing, leaving nothing but harmless sparks to flutter to the hardwood floor. 

I bring my now face hands to cover my face. I breathe in and sigh out. With that process, I used my teleportation and telekinesis powers to change my clothes effortlessly. I felt even more pathetic, basically cheating throughout my whole life. Even superpowers in media weren't this generous. While I couldn't create, I could bring anything to me, right to my body. It was powerfully and I treated it like it was nothing. 

I treat myself as if I were nothing.

No, it is best to stay humble. I am a high school senior, not even eighteen years old yet. I am barely living on my own, I can not tackle "saving " the world. What would I even save? The world is far more complicated than what is presented in movies. There are no goofy villains using their unrealistic weapon to cause harm. This is the real world, with real people, and real problems. 

Even the file and my research into government knowledge of the existences of super-powered humans has reached a dead-end. It was all useless. 


I am running through a building, with a young man next to me. The only detail I seem to pick up on his is fiery red-hair. I only notice this detail because of the flames around us. We skid around the corner to come face to face with a door on fire. 

As if switching to third person, I see myself looking at the door. 

Goddess-like would be the word I would use. 

Air was blowing against, leaving my face vulnerable and able to see everything. My curly hair looked particularly blonde as the orange light reflected. One of the first things I notice are my freckles, sprinkled across my nose and cheeks. They are usually faint and seasonal, but here I could see the smallest details. The last thing I noticed are my eyes. 

My usual boring brown eyes were...ethereal...fiery...lively. The flames reflected into my pupils, making it seem as if the original fire was born from me. I saw stone-cold determination, as well as rage. 

What happened here? 

I saw myself lift my arms in front of my body. The young man beside my shields himself from the flames that start to lick at his body. Me, on the other hand, doesn't even notice scorching fire engulf the side of my body. I couldn't be touch. In one swift motion, I pull my hands towards my body, thrusting myself back into first person. The fire from the room was gone. 

I look down at my hand and see my flaming fists. I kicked down the door and see Jayden, standing by the window of a room covered with my fire. He is pushed to the edge of the window. An explosion from the side wall causes him to lose his balance, thrusting him out the window. I scream, running to the window and jumping out. 

Jayden is falling back first, while I am falling face first. No longer are flames brushing against me, but the harsh winds. I bet I don't look goddess-like anymore, not with the look of sheer desperation on my face. I reach a hand out, and he reaches up as well. He also had a look of desperation: wide, scared eyes, slightly dropped jaw. My stomach dropped, our fingers touched. 

"Ah" I am startled awake, my eyes sprung open and my breathing is rapid. I place my hand against my chest, feeling my heartbeat race. My dreams are getting more and more realistic, however the details start to flee from my memories until I was left with a young man with red hair, fire, and falling out a window. 

I could feel the sweat sticking my shirt to my skin. I needed to change. I lean over to my bedside table to grab my phone to check the time: 7:30.

 I decided to get out of bed early and just take a shower. It was a cold shower, but to me, it felt normal. My emotions have bled into my dreams, leaving me feelings just as fiery as last night. Luckily my mind hasn't drifted to Jayden or our Thanksgiving dinner. I was already in a funk. 

After doing my hair care routine in my room and using my hot hands to dry my hair, I pick out an outfit. Today was the day I was heading to Boston to visit my mom and dad, so I decide to do my hair nice, but forgo the make-up. I enjoyed to do it, but I didn't feel like putting in the effort today. For my outfit, I find some dark orange, brown, and dark blue plaid flare leggings. They were super comfortable and easy to walk around in. For my top I put on a light dusty orange sweater to complement the hints of orange in the pants. I finished my white converse. Teleporting downstairs to grab my coat, I call my dad. 

"Hey, when are you leaving?" He asks when he picked up the phone.

"Are you ready now?"

"Yes," he says, hesitant.

"Cool, give me one second." I put on my jacket, look around to see if everything is in order, and teleport right into my parents temporary apartment. 



Happy Friday the 13th, but I guess you are all lucky because I have another chappy for you

I am so sad that the summer is like almost over. I have ten days before I have to move back to college. I literally just finished my summer course today. I turned it my last paper this morning. So before you judge me, I have been writing, but really I have been writing papers for this class. 

But because I felt motivated here is another chapter for you loves! 

Fun fact actually with how I write (and don't hate me) but this has been written for a while. Meaning that, as motivation, I write the next chapter and post the old one. It sounds weird, but it helps me stay motivated, and if I take a long hiatus then I have extra content to post. It's like a back up. 

I hope y'all enjoy this chapter though! 

Like, comment, whatever just show me your love. 

-Maddie xoxo

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