Chapter 3: Smirk

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The sweet bliss of sleep was once stolen from me when my alarm rang. Oh, how I hate Wednesdays! Wait, I hate everyday of school. I rolled myself out of my bed and make my way out of my room. A normal person would be cold, but I was feeling great. My cold room refreshed my flaming hot skin. Before I can step out the door I trip over a furry beast of black and white. I fall straight to the ground only to be to caught by the door across the hall. My nose is throbbing. I turn around a see Winston laying on the ground looking up at me with loving eyes. Now I feel like I'm awake.

Winston was my cat. He was rather large, about twenty pounds, but it was due to his breed. My mother firmly believes in shopping rather adopting as sad as that sounds. However, it is her problem if she wants to spend a little less than a thousand dollars for a specific breed of cat. Winston was black and white, so in the dark he tended to blend in with the surrounding. 

Anyways, getting your face smashed, is always a great way to wake up for school. 

I'm still rubbing my nose as I walk into school. I think it's starting to bruise. Outside I meet my best friend, Brianna. Her soft strawberry blonde hair is flowing in the harsh October winds. She spots me from afar and runs towards me. She sports her normal trench coat, which she looks stunning in, with dark wash jeans and heeled boots. I notice my own shabby clothes: a oversized long sleeved tee, a blanket scarf, black leggings and sneakers.

"What the hell happened to your nose?" She asks with worry, getting up and close to my nose.

"Nothing, I just walked into the door," I muttered, still running my nose. Maybe if I keep rubbing it the bruise will go away.

Brianna Williamson, where do I start with her. She is my best friend in school. We met a very long time ago in middle school and became attached by the hip. However, more recently, it feels as though we have drifted away. We are both busy people. I just happen to be a busy person with a full time schedule of having superpowers. It wasn't a job itself, but it is coming more of a job to hide it. More and more has it sneaked into my life. To the people around me, it is easily concealable. However, to the person closest to me, it is becoming troubling. 

We finally get into the school, everyone's hair slightly ruined. I didn't care that much, actually at all. It was in a pony tail because I was messed up this morning. However, if it was a good day, I would be pretty upset. Inside, we see the smoldering, judging eyes of one young man:

Jayden Greene. 

The new resident bad boy

Let me just say that he is hot. My breath hitched the first time I saw him in class. His bright blue eyes are beautifully paired with his almost black, brown hair. He has to be at least 6 feet tall, if not more. His body wasn't packed with muscle, but he was fit and toned. 

He may be the hottest guy in the school, but I have heard that he has an awful personality and is generally awful person. He sleeps with every girls he can get his hands on, he got expelled from his last school for smoking pot on school grounds, and constantly gots in fights with people. I don't know much about him, but I haven't seen or heard any person stories that he is doing that now. All that is being spread around was rumors. All I know is his ice stare, judging everyone. He has taken a good look at me once and a few, like he does with everyone. I swear to god I saw his eyes soft. No, I was just seeing things. 

The day was normal and boring. Teachers went on about this stuff and that, I got back assignments, I ate lunch with my friends. It was like every other day.

Finally it's the last class of the day, English. I walk in with Bri, since she was in my last class, a study. We slip into our normal sits and wait for the class to start. This class actually contained the imfaous Jayden Greene, but he wasn't here yet. 

The bell rang. The teacher begins class. "Today we are starting a new project. You will have to write an- Well your late Mr. Greene." Jayden almost ran in here with messy hair. He was probably making out with a girl. He hurries to his normal seat and waits for the class to start.

"Ah well, you will have to write a play about containing a scene from one of the books you read over summer break. This isn't one of those papers you can just right over night. It requires you to decide on a scene, translate it however you like, create stage directions, and practice your lines. You will be working with one partner." Murmurs fill the room. I instantly look over to Bri, and with one look we are partners.

"Quiet class! I will choose who you work. All of the work will be done out of the classroom. In college professors don't give time for group projects. So, I looked through the school database and did it based on where you live. I don't want to hear any complaints about not being able to meet." She starts calling out the names and my heart speeds up. I have no clue who I will be paired up with now!

"Brianna and Elizabeth"

"Carter and Kendra"

"Juliette and Jayden"

What, wait? Not him, he'll probably try to get me to sleep with him, or use me to get a good grade. I glance behind me to see a smirk forming as he stares me down. This is going to be fun, I think while rolling my eyes internally.

"Ok, now please partner up and get talking. You have a month to complete this, so November blah blah blah," The teacher carries on, but I stopped listening.

The person to my left gets up, and I hear chairs scraping on the ground and heavy footsteps come toward me. Bri winks at me before she turns her attention to Liz, her partner and friend.

"Hey, partner." A deep voice says behind me, "Let's get working."


What?!? Two chapters in a day! I must be magic.

But, are you liking it? Please comment and tell me! I would love to know. How's the length? Should I make it longer?

Thank you to all the people who have read the book, I never thought that I would get more and one reader!

Love Maddie

ps again this is an updated chapter. things changed because I wasn't happy with it. Further changes will come as I update. 

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