Chapter 9: Sauna

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The constant sound of my phone beeping awoke me from my deep slumber. I was about to throw my phone across the room but then I saw who it was. It was only my best friend looking out for me.

Bri: Where are you? 

Bri: Oh baby, are your cramps really bad? Feel better

Bri: I'm at lunch and Jayden is looking for you. I told him that you were sick. I just thought that was weird. 

Brianna's texts make me smile. We have fallen out of the practice of texting recently. We both don't really enjoy it anymore. Is it a sign of a declining friendship...maybe. I thought about replying, but when I look at the time. She is already in class. I shouldn't bother her. 

Speaking of the time, the time I look it said 1:21. Wow I slept for 12 hours straight!

I was proud of myself for sleeping that long. That must have been the longest I have ever slept.

Being wide awake, I get out of bed. I notice that my light gray sheets were now dark, being covered in sweat. I groan and used my recharged powers to transport them off the bed and into the laundry room.

I immediately get changed into my shortest and lightest pair of shorts and an airy tank top. I try to wear the least amount of clothing when my temperature is crazy hot.

I didn't have any work to do, so I just painted my nails a stunning brown color, perfect for fall. I wait for them to dry while I read a book. With school being so busy and having so many other things I need to read, it was hard finding the time for something I enjoyed. Now, with nothing to do this Monday, I get the time to read a book I want to read. I didn't finished the book, it was rather long anyways. I stopped once the muscles in my body ached from awkward positions. I leave my room to get my body moving. Slightly hungry, I decided to grab a snack instead of a whole meal. 

When I am downstairs, I grab a brown bag and fill it with popcorn kernels. I pop it in the microwave and wait for it to cook. Then, without moving my feet, I turn on the air conditioning. My parents don't care if it is like a freezer in here because I turn the whole house into a sauna.

The microwave beep and I take it out. I drizzle hot butter over the popcorn, which I melted with on the plate by just placing my hand under it. I have fallen out of the practice to making store bought bags, and prefer homemade popcorn. I just happen to have sophisticated taste. 

I pick up the white bowl and I put ice into a glass for me to drink. Now it is time to get my movie on, something I also didn't get to do very often. 

In my basement, there are 5 parts. The unfinished part, my dad's office, the workout room, my brothers room, and my room. My room hold a reclining love seat, a tv, my art table and sorts, and my piano. I don't play piano or do art anymore, but I don't really want to get rid of it. Like many kids, my hobbies were all different types. Once I realized that I wasn't good at art and didn't like to practice piano, I stopped doing it. 

The tv came to life just as I reclined my seat. I switch to Netflix. By the time I pick out my movie it was two. I would have just gotten out of school.

I skip through the beginning, which is just boring and then I hear the familiar theme song of...

Phantom of the Opera.

It truly is my comfort movie. It was the first Broadway show I have ever seen, but I was fairly young and didn't grab onto it. Later, I saw that there was a movie version on Netflix. I began to watch it over and over, then downloaded an album. It was safe to say I was in love. 

I couldn't help but sing along to every song. I knew all the words, and I really got into the acting.I may have or may have not sung beautifully, but I feel like it was my best performance every single time. 

Slightly into the movie, my mom texted me saying that she was home and to enjoy my movie. She must of heard me singing. I was a little embarrassed, since I didn't like people listening to me. I wasn't even close to be a professional. 

At my favorite song, Point of No Return, I was singing Christine's part when my mom walking into my room. I stopped and paused once she started talking to me.

"Hey honey, you have a guest."

Thinking it was Brianna, here to check up on me, I nod and press play, to keep on singing. Soon, I rethink what happened. My mother never says that we have a guest when it's Bri, she usually comes through the door and straight to me.

I turn my head to see who it was. I stopped singing and my jaw dropped.

Jayden was here, listening to me singing. 


Yay! Cliffhanger!

Wait, what?!? You guys don't like cliff hangers? Well too late.

So I want to say sorry in advance for all the mistakes I have and will make. I am not the best at grammar and I do not feel like fixing it.

Please, oh please, comment! And I'm talking to all of you. Yes, you in particular.

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Love Maddie <3

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