Chapter 28: Make-Up

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Lol not edited, its like 9 at night but me BIG sleepy. 

Groggy, I open my eyes to my fairly bright room. The sun seeping in through the edges of my shades. Rolling to my side, I grab my phone and checked the time. It was a little after nine. 

Nice, I thought to myself. I don't usually get to sleep in with school during the week and dance on the weekend. 

I spent about another hour in bed, aimlessly scrolling through different social media apps on my phone. It wasn't until both my bladder and my hungry stomach screamed at me to do something about them. I was meeting the Greene family at their home around three in the afternoon for Thanksgiving Dinner. I had plenty of time, since travel time didn't exist. I will leave my house at 3:00 and be at the Greene family residence at 3:01. 

With my hair like a rat's nest, I rummage in my fridge until I find the leftover Chinese food I had last night. I certainly wasn't attractive this morning and I could smell the sweat radiating from my body. I chow down my breakfast quickly, not even realizing how hungry I was. Without a second through, my dishes and trash that was once in front of me was gone. Then with my second though, my robe and some underwear was in my hands. Time for my shower. 

I undress from my smelly clothes and step into the warm water. I put my head underneath, wetting my hair and the rest of my body. With my hands lathering in my head, my mind travels all around, with one destination: Jayden. 

Before opening the front door, Jayden paces, patiently awaiting my arrival. Upon opening the door, he is ecstatic. Hands reach out and pull me into a tight hug. My heart races. My arms wrap around to his upper back and his to my lower. I could smell his fresh and pleasant cologne. His hands slide back to his own body. 

"Its good to see you," he whispers, like professing secret love. 

"It's good to see you too," I know a blush creeps up. 

He leans forward, nose brushing against nose. 

"I really want to do something," he whispers again, however slightly leaning back to look into my eyes. 

"Then do it already," I smirk at him, as if confidence was my speciality. 

Without hesitating, he grabs the sides of my face and brings our lips together for a sweet kiss. I wasn't a peck, it was passionate and intense. As if one of my real flames was lit inside both of us, our lips mold and mash. I could feel hands wonder lower down my back, and I could feel skin upon my palms. I could feel a toned sto-


I was not just day dreaming in the shower. It wasn't even normal day dreaming, it was romantic and steamy dreaming. To be honest, I've never had a real crush on someone before. I feel flustered most of the time. 

I need to stop thinking about him like this. '

But what if he thinks about us this way as well?

No, I need to stop. At least, I need to stop day dreaming the sexy stuff. 

I finish my shower quickly, shutting off the water and using my body to radiate some heat afterwards. Once my body was dry, I put on my robe and leave for my room. I get started on my hair, running different products through it and scrunching to help form the ringlet. Again, my mind wonders to the first time Jayden saw my hair natural. School and dance made it hair for me to do my hair, and at that time it felt unmanageable. With my hair shorter, it makes things so much easier, and makes my hair look nicer. 

Maybe I'm just being biased because Jayden told me that he likes it. Either way, I do not regret my haircut. 

I checked the time and I still had about two hours left. My hair can air dry today. Still in my robe, I go through my closet to find a nice Thanksgiving dinner outfit. My family dinners are always very causal with me dressing up the most and then being made fun of for dressing up. I don't know what the Greene family protocol is. Am I getting dressed in some of my nicest clothes? Or am I going jeans and sweater causal? Either way, I do not like to be out of place. 

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