Chapter 27: Orange Crunch Cake

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Lol not edited because when do I have time? Please comment and vote for this chapter, love you all. 

I am in a lab coat and a very fancy laboratory. The room is filled with sterile white tables, clear cabinets, and technology I have never seen before. However, I felt like I was at home. The room was pretty empty, people wise. No one was around, and I liked it that way. 

That was until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickly turn around and I see a young Asian woman, a little smaller than me, "Juliette, you have to go! Someone is attacking the city again." She was very frantic as these words left her mouth. I snap into action and start using my powers. This time I use them to change my clothes. I change into the suit my great grandmother gave me. 



"Juliette" I was shaken awake. I am very startled and confused. I am not in my room and it is very dark outside. That's right! I fell asleep at Jayden's house. I fell asleep holding Jayden. 

I look up at the woman shaking me, Rebecca...Jayden's mom. 

"Juliette, it's midnight. You should get going, you have school tomorrow," She whispers over to me. I feel extra heat creep up my neck and into my cheeks. 

"I am so sorry! He got cold and dragged me into his bed. I must of fell asleep," I speak as I get out of his bed and collect my things to go. 

A hand rest of my shoulder before I exit the room, "Its okay, sweetie! Thank you for taking care of him while I was working, and its really good that he is sleeping. He is going to take the next two days before Thanksgiving break off, to recover. We will see you on Thursday," She wishes me goodbye, and I walk out to my car. 

The air was suppose to be cold, but against my naturally hot skin, it felt refreshing. I was awoke out of a dream that is slowly slipping from my mind and I am still very tired. 

I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving break. Time has really flown, and so much has changed. At the beginning of the school year, I was just a girl with superpowers. That doesn't sound to normal, but that is what my normal was. Every since, I met Jayden (and developed a big crush on him), had an injury, found out that my mom had cancer, had to choreography a solo for myself, my great grandmother died and left me with a mission, and I have a super suit. Somethings sound more dramatic than others, but right now, that is a lot on my plate. 

I really need this break. To have five days without any work or worry is just what I need. It will be a week full of self-care. 

At home, even though it a basically the next morning, I take a shower, grab something to eat, and watch Netflix in my bed until I fall asleep. 


Monday morning I was abruptly awoken by my alarm. I was actually awake, and ready to go to school. It was like I felt rejuvenated. I did sleep for a long time, but that wasn't just it. I was because of who shall not be named and the fact that I will get to see him again on Thanksgiving. 

I take my time before leaving for school. I made my hair look nice (with a little help from my powers), put on a little makeup, eat a breakfast that was actually good, and choose a cute outfit. Today, I wore some loose high waisted jeans, a tight white crop top (the jeans were high enough to show no skin), and my trusty converse. For my jacket, I found a tan raincoat in the back of my closet. After that, I was off to school. 

My friends greeted me at school, like usual. We made causal small talk, like what our plans were for break and what teacher was annoying us this time. My classes went by as usual, too. It was really a normal day. Nothing to complain about. 

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