Chapter 2: Pirouettes

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When I finally got home, I had fifteen minutes until I had to leave for dance. One minute I was walking into my house, and the second I was walking into my room. With a wave of my hands, my hair starts to put itself into a low ballet bun. I could hear my mom calling from downstairs, but I didn't have time. I locked my door and proceeded to undress. I take a moment to think of the leotard and tights I want. With me eyes then open, I could see the black leotard and pink tights. I slip everything up my body, shimmy-ing and shaking. I ribbed a pair of pants off a hanger from the closet and put my jacket and shoes back on. 

I walk out my room, blink, then walk out my garage door. I yell to my mom that I was leaving and I hear her say goodbye as well. I rush to the car, throw my dance bag next to me, and drive away. And just like that, I was back on the streets. 

With the stress of senior year and college applications, fall has a tendency to be forgotten. However, on my drives dance, in the late afternoon, I could truly appreciate the season. Large fields with corn mazes stretch more miles. Oak trees are turning a lovely red, orange, and yellow. Farms with pumpkins had many people urging to buy the fall goodies. Sadly, winters here come fast and become brutally. I try to appreciate it as much as I can. 

I am now in the college admissions phase, writing my college essay and filling out questionnaire after questionnaire. I wasn't apply to to many colleges because I had my heart set on one. It was surely a reach school, but I would be happy with my safety. Just this passed weekend I visited the last college I wanted to visit. Now, I could just focus on the rest of my work. 

Not that much later, I pulled into my dance studio. I was just in time. Class didn't start for fifteen more minutes. I walked into the studio and it was pretty empty. Our classes were early in the afternoon, so we are the first ones in. I find a random spot for my bag and dig out anything I needed for class. I throw my jacket and pants on top. 

Next to me, I see one of my teammates, Masie. She was fairly nice, when she was alone; however, she likes to cling to the popular girls on the team. I was always seen as the odd one out, never fitting in with the rest of team. 

"Hey, Masie," I start. 

She looks at me and smiles back, "Hey Juliette! How are you today?"

"I'm doing okay. Kind if tired," it really wasn't a good idea to go to that movie after dance. But, sometimes, I just have to live on the edge. I am not a "normal" high schooler. I don't date, or drink my heart out. I frankly don't want to. I am focused on my school work and I am dedicated on dance. However, sometimes I liked to do risky thing when I was feeling bored, like see a movie when I have an appointment afterwards. Would I make it? Would I not? It is clearly a lot of risk taking. 

"Me too. I like your leotard though," She complements. 

"Thanks," Masie didn't really hear me though. She saw a closer friend walk in. Her attention now on the other girl, she started to walk away from me. "Never mind," I mumble under my breath. 

I sit, scrolling on my phone, waiting for class to start. The instruction opened the door and we start stretching. 

I may have been dancing for about eleven year, but I am still not that amazing dance on various social media sites and tv shows. I was just ok. I had my strengths and weakness. My weakness not being favored in the competition world. I wasn't flexible and I wasn't good at fast choreography. My leg could, without using my hands, could go slightly above ninety, on a good dance. Kicking in a good day could bring my leg up to my shoulder. And with fast choreography, I just looked sloppy. 

The dancers around me were also a mixed bag. The best dancer on the team, and the favorite was Karina. Let's just say she doesn't like me very much...and I don't like her. I don't know why she don't like me. At times I could be awkward and weird, but they all intimated me. I know what I don't like her because she makes every opportunity to make my life harder. She talks behind my back and purposely make me mess up. 

But it doesn't matter at this point. 

We are both seniors on the team and we are almost done. I don't care to make it an issue and cause unnecessary drama. 

My strength in dance was certainly ballet. I loved it so much while everyone hates it. That doesn't bother me one bit because then I can become the ballet teachers favorite. 

But that is dance is: a constant battle of who is the best.

The afternoon progresses into evening as we finish up our group dances. Everyone is sweating, including me; however, they fan their faces to bring some sweet cool relief. I stay stationary. With my powers of fire, I am always at a high temperature that what is normal. Overtime, I got use to the heat and fell in love it with. Those powers are tempting, but danger, and I tend to stay away from them. 

What honestly helps me forget is dance. With dance I feel like a normal person. I am my authentic self. In my free time, I enjoy creating dancing to random songs I find on Spotify or my favorite pieces of music. With dance, there is nothing to enhance my ability supernaturally. I was human, just like everyone else. 

I know that the dances I create will never have any place, but I don't care. It is a fun hobby that keeps my mind off of destructive urges. 

Dance requires focus, and right now, it has my undivided attention. 


YAY! Second chapter! I hope you like it. Please ignore all mistakes. 

update: things were changed, if you are coming back, I got rid of the dance competition thing. I really doesn't fit in and it just adds way too much and contributes nothing to the main plot. 

Love Maddie

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