Chapter 10: Fever

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"Okay, I'm going to leave," my mom says with a huge grin on her face. I can't believe she is doing this to me!

I do a double take, close my eyes and open them. But he is still in his spot.

"You should leave, before I fall on top of you again."

I hear a soft chuckle from behind me and a shuffle that grows louder. Then a dip in the couch occurs. I look over and see Jayden starting at me with no angry or disappointment anymore, like how he was looking at me in the grocery store. 

I just mindlessly stare back at the TV, not taking my eyes off the movie and holding back from singing. I didn't really want to sing in front of someone else. And Jayden...he just stares at me, not paying attention to the movie. I was a little put off, but I just tried not to pay attention to him. He did came in at the end, so why would be pay attention. He would be very confused, and I prefer the silence between the two of us over explaining the plot to him. 

The movie sadly ends and that means I have to talk to him. I sigh and look over at him. Jayden has a devilish smirk painted on his face. "Hi."

I am hot and sweaty and don't feel like don't talking to anyone. "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to talk to you, but you weren't at school. I know where you live, so I came here to talk to you. By the way, why weren't you at school?" he also asks.

"I didn't feel good. Why do you want to talk to me." I was not going to tell him the lie that I had cramps. That might make him uncomfortable, and it's already so awkward between us. Sure, I wasn't helping with that fact, but its like a coping mechanism for me to get people to leave me alone. 

"I was rude on Saturday, pushing you off and running away. I don't want any awful tension between us is bad if we are going to work together on this project, and I'm guessing you want a good grade."

What the hell was that? But at the same time it makes me feel special, the most popular boy at school is kind of apologizing. Honestly though, the smallest things make me feel special, so it really means nothing in reality.

"What do you mean? So you're not really angry at me?" I say in shock.

Then a low belly laugh bursts out of his mouth, "Why would I be! I was just angry at the people there, whispering like it was a big deal. I hurt my hand a little." He was speaking as though he was unsure. His brain is trying to make sense of why he was really hurt.  "I was honestly really confused. I needed to check on it right away," I wince at the mention of his hand. Without using my mind, I grab his hand and study it. It is still very red, like yesterday, and it is blistering. "I'm sorry."

"Its not your fault, Juliette," Jayden says.

"I beg to differ," I murmur.

"What did you say," he questions.

"Oh nothing."

"Well, get changed. I'm taking you somewhere."

"Like a date," I say sarcastically.

"Hmmmm, not quite. But go, get changed."

"Hmmmm," I mock him, "I'm still don't feel good."

"Hmmmm," he says one more time, "this will make you feel better. Fresh air is good for the soul!"

I sigh, but follow his orders. I need to get out of this stuffy house. "You can wait outside. I need to get some more clothes on," I walk out, leaving Jayden on the couch.

In my room, I put on a simple gray, white and black flannel, perfect for fall. It is extra long and big, so it covered my shorts fully. Before I leave my room, I take my hair out of the messy top knot bun and put it up in a simple pony tail. Lastly slip in my Walmart shoes that were close to a dollar and leave my room.

The Bad Boy and the Girl with SuperpowersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant