"As far as I know. They were contacted by a rich noble in the middle of the night. Honestly speaking, it was baffling"

"Who is this noble?"

"I'm not sure... Anyway, they are going to the westmost side of Velven. Won't be back for at least four years"

"Four years? That's too long" Ann dropped her shoulders in disappointment.

'I won't get to see that cutie for four years and also ....'

Since the head of the Wayward merchants, Jerome was well into gossip. Ann had planned on chatting him up regarding the affairs of the top-tier elites of Orion.

For a juicy gossip lover like Jerome, the pentagonal love between the protagonists would be like bait to fish. Just mentioning the name of one of the protagonists would have been enough to get all the information needed.

'But now that he is gone, the next eligible person to know of those details will be....' Ann aimlessly looked around the area her eyes landing on a certain well-dressed man.

"Sir Elijah! Thank you for bringing the ointment earlier than scheduled" Mrs.Wilbert said smiling.

On her hand was a small pouch the size of a soda can and inside it were boxes of joint pain ointment exclusively made in Volos, the capital of Orion.

Ann recognized the pouch from her days on the training grounds in Asherd, the capital of Ashford County. The escort knights, who went with Lorenz during his yearly visit to the capital would stock up on the ointment as if it was their life savior. They would arrange the small tin containers like a pyramid and pray to them before distributing them among the knights.

"Always a pleasure to be of your patronage" Elijah winked in a flirtatious manner making Mrs.Wilbert blush.

"Do you have any other requests?"

"Hoho... Youngman"

'He might know'

Ann thought as she fixedly stared at the two having a pleasant conversation from a distance.

"What are you looking at?"

Out of nowhere, Noah appeared before Ann and blocked her view.

"Nothing much" Ann rolled her eyes and turned back to the gang.

"Where is Raeden? I want to speak with him. Oh... And Will needs to check the stable supplies" Gallahan said, patting his blushing grandson's back.

It was obvious to anyone that he was trying to set up alone time between Will and Ann.

"If it isn't much trouble can you take Will to the stables An..."

"Chief Gallahan"

But before Gallahan could finish his sentence Ann interrupted him, her eyes following Elijah walking alone to the back carriages behind Gallahan.

"I am so happy to work with you. Noah and Oliver will take you to where Raeden is. If you have any questions you can ask them. So see you around!"

Ann hastily shook hands with Gallahan and left the Tullus mercenaries in the hands of the twins before she sprinted after Elijah.

"What just happened?" Gallahan blinked his eyes and turned to the twins.

"This is nothing out of the ordinary, Chief Gallahan"

"Yeah. I will take you to Raeden and Will can follow Oliver to the stables"

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