Chapter 12: The Fundraiser Showcase

Start from the beginning

"Right. We can do this" I say, calmly. Breathing is always the key.

*Louis' POV*

We walk in and I see Karina in the most stunning dress ever. It was this blue, sparkly dress and wow. I run up to her and grab her shoulder and she turns around smiling then seeing me. Her face falls and now her jaw is clenched up.

"What do you want?" Karina says.

"Look, I'm sor-"

"I don't want to hear it, Louis" Karina says and walks away.

She called me, Louis. Not Lou, Boobear. Louis. That hurt.

*Karina's POV*

"I'm going to go sit in our seats" I say and the girls nod.

I couldn't stand him. He actually tried to say sorry for what? Saying I'm a mistake. Leading me on. He shouldn't even tried to talk to me. That kiss ran through my head all day. His lips felt perfect on mine. I wasn't good enough for a celebrity and I knew it. I knew I was way out of my league. I knew it was highly unlikely he didn't even like me, he probably wanted me for my good grades. Yet I fell for him, yet I wanted him, yet I even talked to him.

 I guess that means I love him.


"This place is packed" I say and the girls nod. I had Alexia, Isabel and Justine with me at the moment. If it was our whole group there would be twelve of us. We walk down the rows of seats and we hear some wolf whistles coming from the jocks at the back. That's why I don't date them.

I'm Georgia Flenley. A normal girl who attends West Bridge High. Well I'd like to think I'm a normal girl, I'm just known as "popular". Being popular isn't all that is cut out to be though. You don't really have any "close" friends, it's either you tell no one or everyone. Everyone spreads rumors about you, bitches about you, judges you, backstabs you. Like I said, not good as it seems. If there's one good thing, I rule the populars. Well the popular girls. If they hurt me they're down. I shouldn't even be in the popular material or the popular isle. I'm not pretty as everyone expects me to be, come on I wear braces and glasses. Well I only wear the glasses in class. I'm crazy hyper and probably scare the shissnips out of everyone. AND HELLO KITTY. (A/N: I was so tempted to call this chapter Hello Kitty)

We walk down and before you know it, we were facing the stage. "Hey, Zayn" Justine says, waving and calling him over with her finger. Zayn walks over, looking annoyed more than delighted and kisses Justine on the lips. Okay. Seriously. You just have to make out. What about that Victorya chick? She seemed nice and those two got along well in those visual art classes, yeah I was put in the same class.

"Hey, Georgia. We have to talk to you, P.T." Alexia says. Isabel and Alexia pull me away from the couple. It must be pretty important if it's a "private talk".  Who the hell says P.T. anymore? That's primary school stuff.

"Spill" I say, placing my hands on my hips. I could not be bothered with this.

"You know Harry and Liam, right?" Isabel says and I give her my biggest 'really' look I could.

"Well, we found their dates. Diane and Louise. You know the ones we always overhear them talk about. Their mystery girls. So what we plan to do is force Diane to stop talking to Harry and blackmail her by saying if she doesn't we'll hurt Louise. Then Harry and Liam are ours. So do you approve" Isabel asks me. Since when did they want my blessing or approval? I wouldn't approve of this anyway. It's harsh. If Diane and Louise were their mystery girls, good for them.

"Yeah, uh, go ahead" I say, trying to sound bored.

I have to stop them or make them fail somehow, it's not fair.

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