Chapter 30

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Lisa's POV

It's been 2 days since I've seen Jennie, she's avoiding me, she feels really guilty, Jisoo Unnie said. I want to talk to her, but I don't find the right time as she always go to work early and go home late.

I was only shocked, I have no problem with Jennie kissing me and stuff, but I was traumatized before. I can't help it. I always remember those even when I promised that I will forget them already.

I woke up early, trying to wake up earlier than Jennie so that we can talk. Rosé left earlier coz she told me that her family have a vacation in hawaii for a week and they'll leave early. I was about to get out of the room when I saw a glimpse of the window. Outside there was Jennie's car.

I hurriedly went outside the room knowing that Jennie hasn't left yet.

But I was welcomed with an empty living room, so I went to the kitchen and there's still no one. There's only one place left, the room she's staying in, but that's impossible, she tends to wake up early.

I was contemplating wether to go there or not. I decided to go. Yes, Maybe she decided to stay there for now.

I knocked but there's no response, so I twisted the knob and luckily it wasn't locked.

There I saw her covered with her duvet, shivering and sweating.

I immediately went to her

"Jen, wake up Nini" I shake her body slightly to wake her up. She's burning, what happened?

"Lisa?" She said eyes closed, teeth chattering. I held her close to me as I embraced her body, I can feel her hot breathe in my neck as she breathes deeply.

"I'm here, something hurt?" I said looking at her pale figure.

I was shocked when her body slumped.

"Jenniee?!hey?!wake up!jen"

Oh God what to do.

I dialed Jisoo Unnie's number and told her what happened, she arrived shortly and we bring Jennie to the hospital.

"So as suspected, she suffered from dehydration and it seems like the rain the other day affects miss kim's body. As of now she only need rest for about 3 days or more if possible, she's exhausting her self too much" the doctor said and exited the room

That was a relief.

"She was too guilty to face you so she's drowning herself to work, she don't even take a rest, she told me that you needed space so she's doing her best to avoid you. Somi also told me that she's not eating anything" Jisoo Unnie said and sighed "I'm not saying this to make you guilty Lis, I'm saying this because you have to tell her as soon as possible. She won't leave you." I am just staring at Jennie the whole time, taking in what Jisoo Unnie is saying.

"That's for the both of you, I have to go now I have a meeting, bye Lis, take care" she said and leave.

I was caressing Jennie's hands when she started to wake up.

"Lisa?why are we in the hospital?" She asked as she realized where we are.

"You fainted earlier, you were burning hot so I decided to bring you here. How are you feeling?" My voice is full with concern but turns into confusion when she tries to remove her hands on mine.

"Why did you do that?you should've leave me alone. I did something w-wrong to y-you that's-" I cut her off with a hug.

"Nini, it's fine I'm sorry for the way I acted, I- I will explain soon"

Yes, I finally decided to tell Jennie everything but I guess it would be better if I let her feel better first.

She just keeps crying. With a constant repeating of "I'm sorry" "I'll never do that again" and "please forgive me".

" I already forgave you, I was never mad at all, I'm just shocked, I guess, that's all"

She just continue crying. She's clutching the sheets hard so I held her hand and make her hug me too.

"Shh it's fine, you need to rest now. You have to eat"

It's amazing how as of now, the tables have turned, I was the one who's consoling and she's the one crying.

"I wanna go home" she said with a raspy voice due to crying.

"But we have to stay here Nini"
She shakes her head

"I'm fine, I can manage to go home, I don't want to stay here, It makes me feel more ill" she has a point

"Fine, but I'll ask the doctor first ok?" She just nodded looking lifeless

The doctor agreed and now I'm feeding Jennie for her to take the medicine that the nurses gave.

"There, all done, now drink your meds and we'll sleep" she do as I say and I help her lay on her back. I was about to lay beside her too when she spoke

"Y-you're sleeping w-with me?" She seems shocked, what's new?

"Yes?is there a problem Nini?don't you want me to? I can stay at the sofa if you wan-"

"Not like that" she said as she look down "I almost r-raped you before, what's the point of staying Lisa?"
I can see the disappointment and guilt in her face.

"That's not rape Nini, It will never be lik-"

"No I almost forced myself to you, I am stup-"

"No you're not, shhh" she's crying again, she's draining her energy from crying, she needs rest.

I hugged her, laid us both again in the bed, covered us with duvet then whispered sweet nothings into her ears. I missed her. I missed being in her arms but she needs me more now.

She's keeping her hands on both of her sides, trying her best not to touch me so I lead them into my waist and wrapped them tightly on it.

"I love you Nini" that statement seemed to calmed her down. Not long after I noticed that she's already asleep.

Don't worry Nini, I'll tell you everything the moment you feel better.

No turning back now

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