Chapter 25

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Jennie's POV

"Lili?" I uttered to get Lisa's attention because she's spacing out again. We are now currently sitting in our bed, I mean my bed, atleast as of now. Aish. well back to what I was saying. My Lili here is somewhere in her thoughts again.

"Lili" I repeated as the first one failed to catch her attention

"Oh, Nini?" She then look at me with sleepy and confused eyes. She's like thinking of something important.

"Care to share what you are thinking about?" I want Lisa to be more open to me. I want to make her feel that when she's confused of something she have to tell it to me. If she is scared she'll run to me. If she's in trouble she knows that I'll be there. Because I will. I am always here for her.

"Nothing much Nini, ahm Infact I'm sleepy now" she said with a little laugh at the end. I don't want to push more as I want her to open on her own so I just nod, laid us both in the bed and cover our bodies with the blanket.

"Goodnight Nini" she mumbled before she turns her back at me. I guess no cuddles for tonight then. I just silently sighed and went to turn my back too, trying my best to sleep.

Lisa's POV

I'm on my way to Jennie when I saw a man hitting a lady as I was driving, I can't help but to remember what also happened to me. All the scars and bruises were visible and will obviously remain til lifetime. I haven't noticed that I was speeding up, as I was so deep in my thoughts remembering everything they have done. They played with me, beat me as if I was a toy and insulted me every single minute.

I was back in my senses when I heard a loud beeping sound, I then turn my head towards where the sound came from and my eyes bulge out as I saw a car about to hit me. I don't have enough time to avoid the crash so I ended up getting hit. After the impact, I tried so hard to get out of the car, eyes were blurred and blood running down to my face


"Help me please" I am already crying and I feel like I will pass out any moment by now. I feel that my heartbeat is slowing down. Am I going to die now?



"LILI! Wake up please, Oh God, please breathe, Lili please" I gasp for air as I woke up. It's only a dream, yes a dream Lisa. I look over to Jennie who's now crying she also looks over me when she felt that I move. She immediately embraced me burying her face in my chest as she cries

"Oh God Lili, you're awake, please don't do that again. Don't stop breathing. I need you here."

What does she mean?Did I really stopped breathing in my sleep?because of that dream again?

"Nini, I'm sorry" I said as I was lifting my hands up to hug her back. Damn Lisa, you gave Jennie a trauma. Before I even spoke again. She cupped my face.

"No need to be sorry Lili ok?it's not your fault but I can't lose you again Lili, I can't. Stay with me ok" she said as she continue crying. I feel so guilty. I've hurt her enough.

Jisoo Unnie is right. I've hide many things to Jennie. But I can't let her know either. Not yet.

Few minutes passed and I felt her body slumped into mine indicating that she cried herself to sleep. She was tired from all the work in her office  but she never showed any signs of it. She even look after me all the time as if I would be gone again. I can't blame her. She's been hurt by my disappearance and now she's probably confused about the nightmares, the traumas and the changes.

I know I wasn't the Lisa she knew before. I changed. I'm now a coward, scardy cat, and I am dirty. I can't watch her leave me the moment she knew that I was touched by those bastards.

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