Chapter 7

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Jennie POV

I came back just to see Lisa sitting up leaning in the headboard obviously having a hard time and is in pain.

Our gazes met and there it goes again, her vulnerable stare. I was the one to break the contact and proceed in placing the soup in the table beside the bed.

"Here. You need to eat. And also there are medicines too. And don't be stupid again" she's just staring at me. It made me feel concious. So I speak up again

"Staring is rude. So as staying in someone elses house. I'll be going to work now. Leave whenever you want to. I don't really care now"

Truth is, I'm afraid Lisa will have that panic again and will do stupid things again when she left the house and there is no one to look after her. I'm still puzzled on how the goofy, dominant(😳) and the cocky Lisa I've known before was far from the Lisa I'm with right now.

"Don't" she said, again with a sad tone.

"Don't what?"

"Don't leave me" I froze. I can't stand being with Lisa for a day. I might lose it all. "Please" she added

"Why would I do that? I don't really care right now you know?" I said trying to sound harsh as my mind wanted to take back what I've said as I watch her eyes welled up in tears as if she remembered something. I was about to leave when she suddenly grabbed my wrist

"Please don't leave me Jennie" she said, I wasn't focus on what she said. I was focus on how hot her hands were(its a literal meaning y'all). Its really hot and she seems so pale. Damn what to do.

"Let go Lisa"

"No, not again" as she tried to stand up not letting go of my arms. She wobbled but still tries to stand straight. I'm lying if I will tell that I'm not worried coz I really am.

She was about to talk when I saw her about to vomit, she hurriedly went to the bathroom still swaying.

'You can't leave her like that Jennie'

'She left me too, isn't it the time for payback?'

'Bitch would you let her be alone in that state?'


I was about to answer myself, yes my self when I heard a loud thud coming from the bathroom. I immidiately went there and saw Lisa almost lying in the floor trying to stand up as she felt another wave of vomit.

I helped her to stand up and tied her hair as she continue. She leaned her body in mine looking lifeless as she don't have the energy to stand in her own. I guided her back to the bed and layed her down gently. I get a basin full of water and a towel. I remembered I have to change her clother. Oh God help me.

I went to the guest room expecting her belongings to be there. And I was right. I get some comfy clothes and went back to Lisa.

I gave her the clothes and let her change. I can't risk it like that. Lisa's body is to die for, I might lose control if I'm the one who will change her and see all those glorious abs and those flawless shoulders, those slender arms, those...

No. Oh damn what am I thinking. Goddamn it Jennie. Oh yeah right I need to feed Lisa!



"Sit up"

"I cant" so I helped her. Never thought I would be a caretaker for the day after I abandoned being the CEO to take care of this monkey

She finished the soup and drink the medicines. I stand up but she held my wrist again

"No, dont"

"I'm just outside Lisa, stop, I'm already being considerate here"

"Just please don't, sleep beside me please"

"For the love of God Lisa why would I do that? You left me for 2 years and I slept all alone" I know I sound harsh talking like this to someone who's sick but damn I was hurt too you know.

"Just please be somewhere near, please don't let go of me"

What does she mean by that? Not knowing what to say I just nod and started to walk away when I heard her say

"I should be the one taking care of you, I'm sorry Jen, give me another chance after this. I will never leave again"

I just stood there, my back facing her. I stopped for a while and went out right after.

I was right she's trying to win me back? Hell yeah goodluck to that manoban.

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