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Katsuki Bakugou
Stay positive, that's what people tell you while your waiting for news, good or bad. Its hard to keep your head up while your waiting to hear about your baby. I was looking at Deku who was finally asleep, he was laying on his side, his shoulder was rising and falling his hand on his belly. He looked so beautiful and peaceful, waiting is like a ticking time bomb and soon everything would just explode into a million pieces our happiness would fade and reality would set in. "Hey Bakugou" I look up to see Mic and sighed because his face was down and he wasn't smiling how he usually would be. "Its bad news?" I asked him he didn't say anything, so does his silence mean something was wrong with my son or Deku? "Deku hey love wake up" I nudged him slightly and he woke up and smiled. "Mic is here" He sat up and looked at Mic, "I ran the test several times myself, Izuku you are preeclamptic and you need to stay in the hospital until the baby is born"

"D-Did I... did I do something to cause this?" Izuku began tearing up as he rubbed his belly, "No, these things just happen and its hard to explain why but I can assure you, you did not cause this. I highly recommend you stay in the hospital until the baby is born" No one ever told me that this type sadness feels so much like fear, "I know your both scared but this can be managed with medications, now your birth plan is going to be the same were going to try and get you to your 37th week of pregnancy and do a C-section"

"T-The mortality rate?" I looked up as Deku asked that question with tears streaming down his face, "No Deku you can't ask" I sighed holding his hand, "11.8%, Izuku I haven't lost a single patient to preeclampsia and I plan to keep it that way, Bakugou as much as I want to keep him here I know you cannot stay here so I want to do what you said, bring the hospital to him we could get everything there and we can control every step of the way I will live on site if you allow me"

"That isn't even a question of course you can" Izuku smiled still crying, he knew I would agree. "Okay Izuku, this news isn't the worse thing in the world the good news is your son will be healthy and I will be there every step of the way monitoring you and the baby" He nodded, you see Mic was speaking English but it wasn't registering in my head all I knew was that Izuku could die from this, what if he's the 11.8%? "Mic could I talk to you outside?" Mic nodded his head, I stood up kissed Izuku's head and walked out of the room with Mic.

"Mic if it comes down to it, you save Izuku we can make another baby, we cannot make other him" Mic sighed, "I don't think you heard me, I have never lost a patient to this Izuku will not be that one case, Bakugou I know your scared we all are, but fine if it comes down to it I will save Izuku's life but I will fight hard to save your son" He walked away, I could feel my heart racing I couldn't breathe is this is a heart attack?

"Bakugou! Mic!" I felt someone's hands touching me and I could hear Izuku's voice but the hallway was getting dark and the last bit of light was spinning, I felt like the walls were closing in on me. What was going on? "Kacchan" When I looked up I saw him, his beautiful green eyes filled with tears that were falling over his freckles and he had a slight smile on his lips, it only took a moment for me to calm down but when I looked around him was Mic, Mirio and a couple of nurses. "Bakugou come on get up" Mirio helped me and took me into Deku's room onto the small sofa. "You had a panic attack, its not uncommon for people who just received some difficult news especially fathers, not to mention the war going on right now you need to relax I'm going to call Kirishima" I sighed as Mic walked out.

"Katsuki Bakugou you had a panic attack because you are stressing too much, I'm the pregnant one with preeclampsia I should be having anxiety attacks left and right but now I am worried about you and I don't have room to freak out about our son because I am too busy worrying about you"

"Oh shit" I heard Mirio as Deku continued to talk crap, I don't blame him for freaking out this was a lot on him. He continued to freak out which made his blood pressure go up and make me more anxious then we started arguing about his blood pressure. Then Mic came in and gave Deku his first round of his new medication and something to calm him down. Mic wants us to stay in the hospital until Deku's blood pressure goes down he said it should take a little bit but he also wants Deku to learn which medications to take at the right time and he also has his eye on me making sure I don't have anymore panic attacks. He prescribed me anti-anxiety medication I only take them when I feel like I'm about to have an anxiety attack. I know Mina is going to kick my ass.

Sorry this one was short I had a brain aneurism while writing this lmao

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