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Katsuki Bakugou(Two weeks later)
Things seemed calming. Too calming. Dabi has been in contact with us and they won't attack us anytime soon. Deku's friends have been coming around a lot more, he's been smiling a whole lot more. Today he had them all over, they were all in the living room, Mina also grew to like them as did Denki. "Hey Kacchan come here!" Deku yelled as he had Kaiya with him, the little girl seemed more clingy than usual.

I sat beside him, he smiled holding the little girl in his arms. "She looks just like Kirishima, but she has Mina's eyes" She didn't exactly have her eyes, her eye colour was yellow, same thing with Kana she has Mina's hair colour but Kirishima's red eyes, but both little girls have fair skin, no pink skin and no dark eyes. "She's so small and cute I could eat you up!" He smiled blowing raspberries on her belly. Mina walked from the kitchen to us, "Hey its her nap time, give me my daughter" Mina grabbed the girl and walked away.

"So Midoriya is this him?" the blonde boy asked looking at Deku he blushed turning to me and I shrugged my shoulders, I stood up kissing him and walked to Kirishima who was sitting down looking at papers. "We have no clue when they are attacking, I don't know when I need to send my wife and daughters to a safe place they know where we are now if we move we're dead" I sighed leaning back, looking at Deku and the crying baby boy(Iida's son), I have no clue what to do but I didn't want to freak Kirishima out anymore.

"We'll figure something out, has Sero arrived yet?" He couldn't get ahold of Mirio Togata, I helped him out once and now he's returning that favor but he's a hard man to find. "He'll arrive in an hour, but I don't know anymore than that, anyway how are you and Izuku?" I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Ha I'll take that as a good sign?" I was about to say something until Deku came up to me and very lightly kissed my cheek "I'm going to get a snack want anything?" I nodded, we've been in the honeymoon stage since we got together, I'm not complaining though.

"Very well as you can tell Shitty hair" I smirked as Deku walked back over to me with a box, it had grapes, cheese, and crackers he made enough for Kirishima and I. "You guys eat up" I leaned down to kiss me, then walked away to Iida, Aoyama, Aito(Iida's son), Uraraka, and Mina. I would never tell him this but his thighs and ass looked a little bigger than usual, I must be overthinking.

It didn't take long for Sero to get back with Mirio Togata, we weren't expecting his family but Sero must've told him about the safe hold. "Mirio, thank you for answering back." I shook his hand, his husband Tamaki Amajiki was holding a little girl, the little girls twin was holding her Mirio's hand. "Sero told me you plan to send mothers and children away, if that's the case I want Tamaki and my daughters there as well" I nodded looking at Kirishima, he was the one getting count of all the mothers and children who were going, "Of course"

"Then we will fight a long side you, is this Izuku?" He asked as Deku walked over to us, Mirio looked his up and down almost inspecting him. "Are you fighting as well?" Deku was about to answer but I cut him off, "No he will not be fighting"

"Why not, with that quirk of his he could be of great use on the front line" Mirio said.

"What?" I turned my head to se Iida, Aoyama, and Uraraka and the little baby boy in Aoyama's arms. "What the hell is going on? Midoriya you said Bakugou was in business, exactly what kind of business?" Uraraka asked him, he held my hand I knew he wanted to tell them but he was hesitant so I nodded giving him the okay. He went on to tell them everything we do and what we represent, he even explained how he was in trouble. Iida looked like he was going to beat the shit out of me, then Deku talked him out of it.

"Actually, you guys could help us" Mirio said, "No way, my husband is not going to join the gang!" Aoyama yelled, standing his ground but he wasn't intimating due to the little baby in his arms. "Dear, if this was us in the situation Midoriya wouldn't question it, he'd help us immediately"

"Iida your not seriously thinking about doing this?" Uraraka asked him, "Iida this is life or death, once your in your in it for life" I said to him, "Midoriya remember when we were in high school I tried to kill the man who almost killed my brother? You immediately helped me even though you had very little control of your quirk and we would've gotten in trouble, this is me returning that favor."

"Tenya, please don't" Aoyama sighed, Iida kissed his husband's forehead then his son's. I reached my hand out to Iida, "You have my respect Tenya Iida, consider you and your family protected." Deku let out a loud sigh, "Count me in too, if Iida is doing it so am I, Bakugou can I tell someone else who was a vigilante? He could be of great use to you" I nodded.

"Hold the hell up, who is a vigilante?" Deku asked with a frustrated tone, "M-Mr. Aizawa" I could tell this was a lot for Deku to take in, his friends just joined the mafia, once your in it your in it for life. I felt his hand grab my wrist, he looked really dizzy. "Hey, hey Deku sit down" I walked him over to the living room and sat him down on the sofa. "Oi shitty hair go get me some water" I told him, Deku went a bit pale he was holding his stomach, Kirishima came back with the water. I gave him the water, he took small sips but I decided to call Yamada(Present Mic) to check him out.

I made sure everyone got home safely, now this was a very interesting day, I still couldn't believe Iida and Uraraka stepped up for Deku. He had some really good friends, great friends who are willing to die for him, but everyone had there own reason for fighting this war.

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