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Katsuki Bakugou
"Why would they attack that spot?" Kirishima asked holding his three-year daughter, Kanako. "Bakugou what if they are after him? You weren't exactly hiding the fact you were going over there" I sighed looking out the window making sure nobody followed us back to our location, we've had to make several moves because these bastards are getting smarter and smarter. "Bakugou what now? He's scared, how are we going to tell this kid he can never return to his old life because we fucked up?" This was annoying, we all adapted so can Izuku Midoriya. I slammed my hand down in frustration, but not hard enough to scare the little girl.

"He will be fine get Mina to talk to him, get him to calm down in the meantime get everyone guarding Izuku Midoriya because if they did somehow find out about him they won't rest until they get him." I walked out of the office, down the hallway, and into my bedroom. What did I do... I should've covered up my tracks better, I'm risking his life.

Izuku Midoriya
I wasn't allowed to leave the room I was placed in, why was I being held here? Is this considered kidnapping but he saved my life. I heard once from Denki that Mr. Aizawa was safe from any harm they even reassured me of his safety along with Uraraka's safety, but their safety would costed me my freedom. Why me? What's so special about me?

"Hello? Can I come in?" I heard a woman's voice at the door, she didn't wait for a response and she just came in. She had pink skin along with pink hair, she also had yellow horns, her eyes were black but her pupils were yellow. She was pregnant, no way she'd try and hurt me. "Hi my name is Mina Kirishima, what's your name sweetie?" could I trust her? "I-I'm Izuku..." She smiled, sitting down at the foot of the king-size bed that was in the room. "I know your scared, but trust me when I tell you, you are safe here." did she know why I was here? I'm still wondering if I can trust this woman. "Do you know why I'm here?" She looked at me with a puzzled face, "I swear to god I'm going to kill Katsuki." Katsuki? Who was that?

"I'm not allowed to say anything until the boss says we can I'm sorry sweetie" She sighed while rolling her eyes, their boss? Was their boss this man named Katsuki? "I'll go get Katsuki and make him explain everything to you, now tell me a little about yourself." I just looked at her, god I'm so scared... what if whatever I say she tells this Katsuki guy... "It's okay really... I know your scared but you can trust me" I put my head on my knees and began tearing up. Would I ever see my mom again...?

I heard her sigh, "I'll come back later to check on you, get some rest okay?" I heard the door open then close, why was this happening to me...?

Katsuki Bakugou
"Katsuki Bakugou!! You Didn't Tell That Boy Anything!!" I heard Mina yell while slamming open the door to my office, "Oh shit you're in trouble" I heard Denki say while turning away. Mina was the only woman who terrified me, she was my second in command before she stepped down to start her family with my best friend Kirishima. "He is terrified Bakugou, he has no clue what is going on and neither do I what happened out there!?" She yelled looking at me with anger in her eyes, she turned to her husband as I nodded, giving him the okay to explain to his wife what had happened. "Love, Izuku is in trouble because Bakugou fell in love with him, they found out because Bakugou was seen several times by the coffee shop he worked at." Love was a term I wouldn't usually use, but I felt a strong connection to him. "Bakugou, you taking him put him in more danger," she said turning to me. "You think I don't know that? If I left him there he would've died I had to take him to protect him" she looked down and rubbed her belly, "If I wasn't pregnant I'd kick your ass, go talk to him please" she groaned in pain, Kirishima went to her side and asked if she was okay. She held the bottom of her bump and nodded, "It's not labor, its Braxton hicks contractions I've been having them all day." she groaned in pain, then Kirishima led his wife out and closed the door behind him.

"She's right boss, you need to speak with him," Denki said looking at me then looking at the door since Hitoshi Shinso, my top guard, walked in. "Boss you rang?" I told him that he needed to bring Izuku to me and to not scare him any more than he already is, he left and so did Denki. Denki and Shinso had something going on but last I heard it was nothing but trouble.

Izuku appeared in my office no more than five minutes later, he was trembling and his eyes were red and puffy. I'm glad Mina wasn't here to see him like this, she'd kick my ass. "I know your probably wondering why you are here, it's simple I fucked up now if you step outside this house some really bad people will get you but..." I got on my knee in front of the crying boy, holding his hand and looking at his beautiful green eyes. "... I promise to take care of you, you have my word..."

Denki Kaminari
Shit. Bakugou gave his word, you can't go back on that. "Kaminari" I turned around and saw Shinso, we dated for a bit but something really bad happened to us. "Shouldn't you be patrolling? Izuku needs-" He pushed me against the wall, looked at me, then kissed me. I feel like I'm melting, his hand touched my face then they traveled to my bum. "Shinso stop" I pushed him away, but he looked at me with eyes I couldn't refuse, he kissed me again.

He pulled me into one of the empty offices, then sat me down on the desk. He took off my coat, then his as he kept kissing me. What am I doing? I want to stop him but I can't. "Denki.. please my love.." I felt his lips on my neck then they moved down, as unbuttoned my shirt he kissed my chest. He stopped at my stomach looking at the scar that dragged across, he kissed the little scar and whispered he was sorry. He pulled me down from the desk and turned me on my stomach pulling my jeans down, I could hear the sound of his belt unbuckling. (No smut yet).

We had sex.. I had sex with my ex-boyfriend. I didn't waste time I immediately ran out and began panicking in my room, tears were streaming down my face. I heard a knock at my door but I didn't respond but whoever it was barged in and I felt arms around me. I could smell AXE body spray. It was Sero.

"Hey, Hey calm down" He just held me, it took about five minutes to calm down. Sero asked me what happened and I explained everything, but instead of getting mad or upset he just stayed beside me and told me it was going to be okay. That's all I needed to know.

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