It didn't take me long to reach my high nor for Harry either. He pulled out of me after collapsing on me for a minute, lying down beside me.

I placed my head on his chest and intertwined our legs, feeling him start to trace shapes on my lower back, just above my bum.  

I traced the big butterfly tattoo on his torso, something I do a lot. 

"That was really good." Harry pants out after a while making me let out a chuckle. 


The next two days were busy. 

Harry and Kendall were going to stage a break up once they got to Vancouver and so Harry was busy in a bunch of meetings for the past 2 days.

Now, since they have to fit Kendall's publicist and lawyers on the plane, Harry tells me I have to fly on a regular plane.

 It wasn't a big deal for me, I understand why and I don't really care. So right now, I'm saying goodbye to everyone as we go our separate ways. 

"Vadaaa." Liam sings, a smile on his face.

"Bye Li." I laugh out as he pulls me into a hug. I don't know why this is a big deal or something but I guess it's just because I'm going on a different plane then them. 

"Little Vada." Louis says, a cheeky grin on his face. 

"Sassy Lou." I reply with a fake glare before we laugh. 

"See you soon Vada." Zayn waves to me. 

"See ya soon Z." I reply, a little chuckle escaping his lips. 

"Bye Vay, I'll see you in a few hours." Kendall tell's me before pulling me into a short hug.

"Bye." I laugh out. 

"Baby, we should probably go, you gate was already called like 10 times." Harry tells me.

"Ok." I tell him before looking back at everyone else again. "Bye guys, I'll see you soon."

"Excuse me Lucky, get your tiny ass over here!" Niall exclaims, sounding offended. I roll my eyes but nonetheless still run up to him and give him a hug.

"Bye Ni." I say laughing before walking off with Harry to my gate.

Harry still seemed off, but I figured he'll tell me when he's ready, he just needs some time. 

Once we get to my gate, he quickly pulls me into his arms with a small sniffle. 

"Why are you acting like I'm never going to see you again? I'll be at the airport before you, H." I ask Harry, a small chuckle escaping my lips. 

"I know baby, I'm just going to miss you for the next few hours." He tells me, his voice deeper than usual. I send him a suspicious look but decide not to say anything about him acting weirdly right now. 

"Harry, it's literally only 6 hours. I'll be with you guys again before you even know it." I tell him, smiling. 

He sends me a small nod, trying to put a smile on his face but I could see right through it. Something's going on with him but what is it? 

"Why-" I start but get interrupted by the intercoms, a voice echoing through out the airport. 

"Flight D 362 now boarding. Last chance to board flight D 362, please make your way to the gate."

"That's you, don't want too miss your flight." Harry tells me, sucking in a sharp breath. 

"Yeah, I better get going. I'll text you if I land before you and you text me if you land before me, ok?" I ask him, staring at him in the eye. 

"Yeah, I'll be waiting." He tells me, a fake smile on his face. 

I stand on my tippy ties and wrap my arms around his neck. I softly pull him in for a kiss, not caring who sees. He kisses me like it's the last time he ever will and it's scaring me a bit. 

"See you in 6 hours, Haz." I tell him as I pull away, picking up my backpack and taking a step back as I still face him. 

"I'll see you around Vada. I'll miss you." He mumbles, his words seeming to have a deeper meaning then what he is leading on. 

I let out a little chuckle and shake my head, turning around and making my way to my gaze. I quickly get through security since no one was there anymore and I turn around to get one last glance at Harry. 

He's still standing there with a slightly guilty look, like he would get when he ate Zayn's food out of the fridge at the venues but more guilty and there's a little bit of sadness. Before I could react though, a voice rips through my thoughts. 

"Ma'am, you only have about 30 seconds to get onto the plane or it will take off without you. I highly suggest you get on the plane." A deep voice rings through my ears, the security guards voice. 

I quickly nod and send Harry another little glance before making my way onto the plane, apparently just making it on time.

Once I get in my seat, my phone buzzes. 

I take it out of my pocket, checking who it is before I have to turn my phone off. 

I see Harry's name pop up on my screen with the messages app logo beside it, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Why is Harry texting me right now. 

Harry: I'm so sorry baby, you'll never understand how sorry I am for this but it was my only choice. Your not doing ok at all, no matter how much you tell me you are. You were going to drown yourself Vada, that's not ok. So, I'm very sorry for lying to you but I put you in a plane to go back home, back to L.A. I want you to move on with your life and just forget about me. I'm also really sorry it had to end this way but I can't keep being the reason your hurt. I'm only sucking you into a black hole and you need to be free. I love you, you'll never understand how much I love you. I hate that I had to do this, it hurt so much but I didn't have a choice anymore. I'm sorry, so so sorry.

No, no, no.

Vada: Harry, what are you saying?
Message Not Delivered! 

Vada: Come on Harry!
Message Not Delivered!

Vada: You can't seriously be breaking up with me over a text after everything we've been through!
Message Not Delivered!

Vada: Please, I do love you. I was going to tell you after we fixed things between us.
Message Not Delivered!

Vada: I do love you, Harry.
Message Not Delivered!

He blocked me, he fucking blocked me. 

I quickly shoot up from my seat, desperate to see Harry again. 

"I need to get off this plane!" I shout, making the flighty attendant rush over to me. 

"I'm so sorry ma'am but we're about to take off. I need you to sit down." She tells me. 

"No please! You don't understand! Something's wrong!" I say, shaking my head and feeling like I'm the verge of crying. 

"I'm sorry but I need you to sit down Miss." She says again. 

"Please, just-just-" I start but get cut off by a small cry leaving my mouth. What am I doing?

"I'm sorry, I'll just-I'll sit down now." I say, not daring to look at anyones face around me. 

"It's alright, how about I get you a free bag of nuts?" The flight attendant asks. 

"No-no thank you. I'm alright." I say wiping my tears and sitting down in my seat, doing up my seatbelt.

"Alright then." She says before walking to the front of the plane. "All passengers please be ready for take-off."


I'm supper sorry for this. 

Stupid To Fall For You ~ Harry Styles ~Where stories live. Discover now