Chapter 3: Bellatrix

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Bellatrix drank all the butterbeers that she wanted, even if Rodolphus advised her not to. She lost count after the fifth one. And Rabastan, that poor skinny lad was trying to keep up to impress her. Somehow, Bellatrix found herself giggling, laughing at Rabastan's pale face. And laughing about how the boy loved the attention she was giving him. She was trying to have some fun. She was young, she was beautiful. She deserved some fun.

"I want something stronger" she announced as the three of them finally exited The Three Broomsticks into the cold night.

"I think you had enough, Bella" Rodolphus whispered

"Don't be a puss, Rod" she protested

"Yeah don' be a puss..." Rabastan repeated. The boy was pretty drunk. He just turned sixteen and Bella was sure it was his first-time drinking. That made her laugh.

For a reason, Bellatrix decided to put her arms around each of the boys' shoulders.

"I want to have fun..."

Rabastan laughed nervously. He was clearly blushing. Rodolphus just rolled his eyes.

They walked like that in silence for a while. Bellatrix was starting to get dizzy, but it was not the bad kind. It was the good kind, like she could do anything.

Suddenly, Rabastan broke their embrace and ran to the corner to vomit all that he had drunk.

"Bloody hell" Rodolphus whispered

Bellatrix found this really funny and began laughing too loud, making a few dogs around the neighborhood bark.

Rodolphus eyed her expressionless.

"Rab hasn't drink before" he explained

"And you?" she asked

Rodolphus just shrugged "Thankfully I didn't drink much..."

It was definitely the alcohol, but Bellatrix felt the need to kiss Rodolphus for some reason. She approached and closed her lips to his. But he pulled away.

"What are you doing?" he asked

"What?" Bellatrix asked uninterested "We are getting married anyway..."

Rodolphus didn't answer. But he didn't look pleased.

"That stupid magical bonding ceremony this summer" she continued "And then get married when you get back from your trip to Paris"

Bella had been listening and listening to her parents plans for her future over and over again.

"Bella..." Rodolphus tried

She ignored him.

"What are your plans for the summer, Rab?" Bellatrix asked as the pale boy approached

Rabastan looked at them embarrassed.

"Amm..." he rubbed his neck "Oh..." he remembered "We have that meeting with The..."

"Brother..." Rodolphus warned. The younger boy shut up.

But now Bellatrix was interested.

"What?" she looked "A meeting with who?"

"No one Bella" Rodolphus shook his head "It's a secret"

"Well don't I deserve to know?" she asked "As your future wife?"

Rodolphus snorted. Bellatrix was a very curious person, she needed to know everything. She looked at Rodolphus for a while, and then she turned to Rabastan. The weak one. He would tell her.

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