31. The seminar

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In past three years for the first time I want to skip my college. I do not want to come college today because Dhruv will be there. Today is the last day of the seminar and the lucky student also get selected for the social program and get the opportunity to do his training under the District Magistrate of the city, which is my Dhruv.

I was happy to know that Dhruv complete his childhood dream. He achieved what he was working hard since he was in his school. My prayers and his hard work did the magic and he is the highest ranked officer of the city. Before I was confused about Dhruv's presence in the college yesterday but this morning I came to know by other students that he is non other than the district magistrate, The IAS officer.

Today I came college earlier than usual because I want to see him one more last time. I am not angry on him, I still love him more than before but I don't want him in my life either. I am a mess and I don't want to get closer to anyone, to be left alone in the end.

"Aditi..." I was lost in my thoughts, sitting on the bench of the corridor when Sakshi, one of my classmates pulled me out from my deep zone.

"Tyagi Sir, is calling you in his cabin." She gave me the smile and then walked away with her boyfriend Rohan.

Both Sakshi and Rohan are the famous couple of the college. Their love story is famous among the teachers also. Sakhsi is a kind girl and Rohan is famous basketball player of the college. I talked no one in college and if someone tried to be my friend I always get back. I only had one friend in my past and she also leave me. I don't blame her, no one wants to live with me.

I also got up from the bench and walked towards Tyagi Sir's cabin. Tyagi sir is the HOD of our department and in charge of this seminar. I knocked the door two times when I reached his cabin.

"Come in..." I opened the door when I heard his faint voice and went inside. Sir was doing his work behind the desk. His spectacles stuck to his nose and he was looking a typical government school teacher.

"You called me sir." I asked him while looking down.

"Hmm..." He closed the pen cap, adjust his spectacles on his nose and continue, "Aditi, you didn't paid the exam fee of last year. Your scholarship only pay your college fees but you have to arrange your exam fee by yourself. If you didn't pay the fees before the semester exam, then I am sorry to say, I can't let you sit in the exams of this year. You may get fail." He was looking at me apologetically.

"But sir how could I? You know my condition." I looked at him with worried face. I told everyone that I belongs to a very poor family and they could not afford my studies.

"I know Aditi and I do everything to help you. But I can't delay this time." Tyagi sir said while looking at me with sympathy.

"Can nothing happen sir?" I requested him.

He nodded his head and said, "There is only one way. You can submit the exam fees if you get selected in this program. You will get some money along with the certificate. That's why I gave your referenced to the dean sir but last decision was DM's. So pray to god that DM select you in thus program."

Tyagi sir suggested me the way but it was no use. Bua ji already knows about this program. She already told me if I don't select in this program and give all the money I might get she will beat me till I my skin came out from my body.

"Okay sir." I said in a low voice while looking down.

Tyagi sir helped me many times related this kind of issues but this time he also looked helpless. I don't know what would I do. I planned to escape after completing my graduation but it seems like I could not complete my graduation and stuck in this hell forever.

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