Me&Megumi&Nobara: What's with them?

Later that day
Jujutsu Tech
Lounge room

Gojo: So, a lot has happened amd people even died. Whaddaya guys think? Should we continue the event? If not, I need to send (Y/N) back to UA today.

Itadori: Hm... When you put it like that....

???: Then, yeah. We should continue.

We look at the voice direction and see Todo.

Itadori: Todo!

Gojo: What makes you say that?

Todo: First off, mourning is reserved for people intimate with those who have passed away. It's none of our concern. Second, if there were facilities, what is expected of us is... To get stronger! Our circumstances now dictate that we look at the results. To suffer defeat or experience victory- we grow regardless. Results are important because they are unwavering.

Me*thought*: Huh, he is actually pretty reliable.

Todo: Third! That unsettled feeling of having unfinished business during their school days will stick with them until the day they die!

Me&Gojo: How old are you, again?

Megumi: I don't mind.

Nobara: We'll win anyway.

Kamo: He sounds ridiculous, but he does have a point.

Nishimiya: Why don't you rest, Kamo?

Panda: No objections.

Inumaki: Shake.

Me: I'd rather sleep, but no objections.

Maki: Are the pairings for the individual portion drawn at random?

Gojo: Huh? We're not doing that this year!

All: Huh?

Gojo: The principals from both schools make suggestions for the events held each day. This is done over two days. But that's just a facade. It always ends up being the group portion on the first day and the individual portion on the second day. I don't like routines. And if we do that this year, Tokyo will win for sure.

He throw a box at Itadori. Itadori catch the box.

Gojo: Every year we put format suggestion in this box and open it on opening day.

Itadori pull out a paper. Suddenly Gakuganji and Yaga appear beside Itadori.

Itadori: Ehh?! You two also here?!

Gakuganji: Ba-

Yaga: Baseball?!

Gakuganji: What's the meaning of this, Yaga?

Yaga: No, I'm sure I suggested an individual...

Gojo walk out from the room. Yaga then realized it.

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