An Interesting Note

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Jackie looked surprised but still smiled, "Oh it was that bad? Sorry, man"

"Honestly" Anti rolled his eyes, "All of you are pretty gross. At least I don't have BASIC human needs to make myself dirty like you all"

Jackie smirked down at him, "Oh wow, you better watch out there, Anti. You're starting to sound like Dark all pompous and full of himself acting so much better than everyone else"

Anti just crossed his arms with a frown, "And?"

The hero just chuckled, "I'm just teasing! Anyway, you go on downstairs and I'll bring ya your dinner, alright. And don't worry about what the others will say. I'll let them know! Go relax, dude"

The glitch snorted, "Hard to relax when I'm a prisoner. Can't even have a TV or computer to glitch into and rest in"

But before Jackie could ask for clarification on what that meant, Anti turned heel and walked away from him.

He 'pompously' strut into the kitchen where everyone else was and started fixing his own plate, uncaring of everyone's stares on him. And then he turned heel again and walked downstairs into the basement with his food.

Marvin was the first to speak, "The fuck was that?"

'Why'd he go downstairs?' Jameson asked.

"Yeah I mean if he's actually gonna eat, shouldn't he eat at the table? I mean he'll still need to do dishes, too"

Jackie popped in, "Nah, I told him he could have the rest of the night off. I'll do the dishes"

Marvin looked pissed, "You did what?! What's the point in torturing him like THIS if you're gonna take the load off him anyway?!"

Chase smirked, understanding Jackie's motive, "Because . . . it's like Jameson's idea. The more we're nice to him, the better he'll respond back to us. Jackie's just trying to earn his trust is all"

"And Bingo was his name-O" Jackie finger-gunned him and Chase did it back.

Henrik rolled his eyes, "You are both dumb. He's not going to fall for such a silly tactic"

Jackie just shrugged, getting his own plate, "We'll see"

Meanwhile, Anti was eating his sesame chicken and fried rice, curled up in his new cage with Chase's pillow. He even closed it already for them. Might as well have the satisfaction of doing it himself rather than give it to them.

Plus he found that putting the pillow up against the bars prevents it from shocking him when he leans on it, so there's that loop-hole he found out being on his own.

'Why's he being nice all of a sudden? It has to be a ploy. A tactic. But then again, Jackie's always been stupidly nice. It's always been aggravating. Nicey-nice prick. . . . . I guess I'm happy about not doing the dinner dishes, though'

He shook his head, 'No, don't feel grateful! That's what they want, dumbass!' he chastised himself, 'Gah, this is so ridiculous. Where else could that device be? It can't be too big else I would have seen it already. And it can't be too small, either. Something so little with so much power . . . I wouldn't believe it. But perhaps . . . no, Dark said I'd know it when I saw it. So . . . I probably haven't seen it yet'

He stuffed a piece of chicken in his mouth and munched on it, 'I fucking love Chinese food'

The next day, it started up pretty much the same as yesterday but Chase came down to unlock his cage.

Used to the Cageحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن