Burke sends her a look.

"Oh come on, I'm your guy." She tries to persuade.

"Fine." He gives in.

Alex and Cristina both glare at her. She sends them a victory smile heading after Burke.


"So who's the lucky patient?" Evi asks on the Helipad.

Burke and Cristina stare at each other. "Denny Duquette." Burke says.


Burke and a doctor from Mercy West are walking through the hall talking. "Two brothers tried to pass a semi on a double yellow and came out on the losing end of a head-on. Both are a match for your guy." He says.

"So we get our pick?" Evi asks.

"It doesn't work like that. UNOS has already assigned who gets which donor." Burke says.

"So who's retrieving the other heart?" Alex asks. He managed to get Burke to let him tag along on the helipad.

They walk up to a woman. "Took you long enough, Preston. Why is Junior here? Your ego get too big for one man to carry?" She asks Burke.

"Dr. Hahn here graduated second in our class at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Jensen. Ask her who graduated first." Burke brags.

"God." She groans.


"What the hell happened to my donor?" Burke asks running into the OR.

"He went into v-fib." A doctor says.

"I can see that. Give me the paddles. Jensen, take over compressions! You gave epi?" Burke asks.

"Three rounds and shocked him twice."

"I'm going to hit him again at 360. Clear! He's asystolic."

"I don't get it. I mean, if the guy's already dead.." Evi trails off.

"And now his heart has joined the rest of him." Burke says.

"Hmm. So, we can't use it?" Alex asks.

"No, Karev, we cannot use it. The muscle is dead. The heart is useless."

Burke runs out of the room. Evi looks confused following him. "Dr. Burke?" She asks. She and Alex follow him.

"Move, move, move, move, move!" Burke shouts at everyone in their way.

They Enter Dr. Hahn's OR. "Stop right there! Don't move that scalpel! Not even a single slice!" Burke shouts.

"Just because your donor's heart died doesn't mean I have to give you mine." She says annoyed.

"Is your patient higher on the transplant list? Is he higher on the transplant list?" Burke asks.

"I have no idea."

"Well, neither do I. Karev, get UNOS on the phone now."

"Oh, give me a break!"

A doctor picks up a scalpel. "Hey! Hey!"

"What? Are you going to beat him up?"

"If I have to."

"Ok, just hold on. It's pathetic, Preston. Really pathetic."


"Your guys on an LVAD? He's probably up and walking around. My guy still needs his dobutamine drip." Hahn says.

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