Chapter 34 : Founder's Day

Start from the beginning

The people in the city and the guest who were waiting for it cheered as they saw the bell was replaced.
The Founders ceremony has begun.
After the initiation we went to our separate ways to prepare for the next day which was going to be tiring af.
I snuggled into Axel's chest getting as much comfort as I can.

The next morning when I woke up hastily and shook my dear boyfriend out of his sleep by picking him up and sitting him down on the bathtub by myself while he was asleep.
His eyes opened completely when his perfect ass was settled in the water.

"Nyx!!!! I said we'd shower together after I wake up not while I'm still sleeping!!"
He said as the sleep was chased away completely.

" Don't want to be late."Nyx grumbled as he mixed the bath bombs and oils.

After getting washed up and everything , Nyx and Axel got out of the bathroom.
Break fast was on the table and Axel let out a exhale.

" Finally , food."
They ate their breakfast and went down to see the decorations.

The day would go like this.
The starting of the founders day, it would begin when the clock strike 12 in the noon, and the haze of the city would be lifted completely letting pure sunlight refracting through cloud 8 and then letting it wash the city with purity.
The sun was hidden by a protective haze for vampires.

The sun light which is washed by the holy ground above cleanses the city and makes it like the holy place it itself.

The vampires would be in the castle and the windows are uv ray protected.

This would be for a day and for a day the vampires along with other creatures having problem with sun would be in the castle.

Then the royal family one by one will walk in along with their mates , the great three being the last to walk in.

The bell on the top of the castle rings ,exactly 15 times each by one member depicting their loyalty, their dedication and their involvement in the foundation of the city.
The last bell creates the protective shield that keeps the city safe from unwanted threats.
Then the ball would take place and followed by the welcoming party.

The founder's day is quite decent ceremony of one day.
The real fun begins the next day when my birthday celebration starts.

Right now , Axel and I were practising for the ball while the workers did the final decoration and arrangements in the ball room.
Axel was not exactly bad but not very good at dancing as well.
But he was learning.

"Oww!" Spoke too soon.

" It's one step forward two step back , stop stepping on my foot"I said.

He groaned in frustration.
" Nyx it's not everyday a whole ass royal ceremony is thrown your way."

" Ok ok love, one more time and then we'll go and take some rest" I said and he nodded.
I played the music again in our earpieces and we begun again and this time he didn't do any mistake other than holding onto me too tightly , which is not exactly a mistake.

Our two minutes dance ended and a large grin appeared on our faces.

" See not so difficult now was it?
You did it so well!"
I said grinning and he kissed me.
The workers glanced at us but didn't say anything.

" Let's go and rest for a while"I said taking his hand.

We walked through the throne room and I started explaining him exactly what to do when we walk in ,once again.

"Take it as a business meeting , and don't be surprised by the stoic and cold of expression of everyone including me. You'll find even Noah intimidating.

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