Nightmare sighed, shaking his head, "Cross, look closely. Look at the jawline, the eyes." Cross bit back a joke about not having eyes, instead looking back at Killer. The more he stared, the more it hit him. "That's not Killer." Nightmare let him go, nodding his head. Cross glanced at the unnamed person who looked like Killer, "So then, who is he?"

"I'm not a he." Cross blinked. He blinked again. Nightmare gave a long-suffering groan, covering his face with his hands, his voice muffled. "Cross, meet Killer. I'll let her explain." Nightmare vanished before Cross could even ask, leaving the guard to flounder dumbly.


This woman acted exactly like Killer, she might as well be Killer himself, the only difference between the two is their gender.

She walked beside him, a grin on her face and a knife in her hand. Cross, anxious and put-off by the awkward silence, cleared his throat. "So, uh.. What can I call you?" Her response was immediate, "Killer."

"I-I can't though." She stopped walking and turned a weighted stare on him, grin hitching up slightly. "And why's that? Don't tell me you already know someone named Killer?" Cross laughed nervously, backing up some as she shifted closer.

His face grew hot as she leaned over, his brain going haywire. "C'mon, don't be shy. I don't bite." Her teeth glinted, amusement on her face. "Not unless you want me to."

Cross wheezed, ducking past her and hurrying down the hall, his voice comically high pitched. "L-lets get you to your room, yeah? Yeah!" The woman snorted, following him almost eagerly.

Halfway there, Cross ran into Killer, to his unending relief. "Kills, mind helping me out here?" Killer only stared at his double, his grin going stale for a moment. The girl stared back, her smile dropping slightly. Something passed between the two, because a second later, Killer was holding onto Cross's arm and kissing him.

"So, where to, sweetheart?" Cross felt the tension seep out of his bones, a sigh of relief leaving him. "We're just taking uh.. her? to the guest rooms." Cross jumped as the woman spoke up. "Call me Killer." Cross opened his mouth, then closed it, deciding not to answer, leaning further into Killer.

The trip went by quicker without the girl's flirting. "Um, goodnight, miss." She gave a wide, charming smile, "Goodnight to you as well, handsome." Killer gave a low hiss, his grip on Cross tightening. "Let's go, Cross." The guard waved to the woman and allowed himself to be pulled away.

As soon as he and Killer made it back to his bedroom, Killer was on him, stripping his clothes off and demanding affection.


Cross stared down at his cereal, his eyes wide and face flushed, trying hard to keep from looking up at the woman. Killer sat beside him, disgruntled and glaring at her. "For Pete's sake, lady, go put on a shirt!" She stuck out her tongue, "I don't have any clean shirts, idiot." Cross swallowed a spoonful of cereal, his mind drawing up a blank. "I-I can let you borrow one of mine."

The lady lit up with a grin, sneering at Killer before sweetly thanking Cross. "I'd love to wear your shirt. Here, why don't you just give me that one?" Cross stammered, "Th..The one I'm wearing? But-"

"You are not going to take his shirt, especially not the one he's wearing." Killer butted in before Cross could actually answer, growling at his doppelganger. The woman pouted, "Cross, darling, can I have your shirt?"

Cross blushed heavily, quietly answering, "Sure." He put his spoon down, taking the back of his shirt and pulling it over his head. He caught a glimpse of the woman's ribs, his face erupting in heat as he froze. Killer covered Cross's eyes, hissing at the lady.

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