Chapter 10

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Techno's POV

I dug through the school bag, at the very bottom was a set of PJs and an extra pair of clothes for tomorrow. 'How the hell did I not notice this before-'

"Well, what did they say?" Dream suddenly asked. I looked up at him to see him staring at me through his mask. I felt a strange feeling boil throughout my body, I looked back down at the bag and pretended to do something other than stare at him.

"Uh, yeah they said it was fine." I quickly said, still pretending to do something with my bag.

"What are you looking for?"

"Uhh. Apparently, Wilbur packed my bag before I came here. So there's a set of clothes in here and everything." I said, pulling out the PJs. Thank god Wilbur just packed some solid colored and normal-looking clothes.

I sighed with relief and kept looking through the bag.

"Well, do you want to eat dinner and then go take a shower? Or do you want to shower first?" Dream asked as he got out of the bed and walked towards the door. He opened it and leaned onto the doorframe, tilting his head at me while he waited for a response. 'Not to mention he looked hot as fuck-'

"I'll uh, I'll eat first then I'll take a shower," I said, looking down at my bag and once again pretending to do something with it. "Alright, when you're done with...whatever it is you're doing come on down." Dream turned around and walked downstairs.

As soon as he stepped away, I let out a breath I was for some reason holding. 'What the hell is happening to me?'

I walked downstairs, Dream was sitting at the dining table with his mom. The two had started eating, I walked up to them and noticed a plate with food placed next to Dream.

Silently, I gulped and sat down next to Dream, noticing that his mask was placed on the table. With no hesitation, I looked up at his face.

His eyes were silts and the white parts were replaced with a lovely emerald green color, shiny green scales were around his cheeks, and his tongue split into 2 different directions at the end.

Damn he was beautiful.

3rd POV

Just at that moment, time had stopped. Techno was completely still when he stared at Dream's face, he could stare at it for hours and it would only feel like seconds.

Techno could feel his body begin to heat up, his heart began to beat faster and he could feel his face starting to get hot.

"What are you staring at?"

Techno snapped out of his thoughts and looked Dream in the eyes. He paused for a moment before looking down at his plate, "Nothin'" He said, picking up his utensils and began eating.

"Does it taste good?" Dream suddenly asked as Techno took another bite.

Techno nodded, not wanting to make a fool of himself by answering with his mouth full.

"Good, it's my recipe." Dream said with pride, taking another bite out of his own plate.

Techno slowly nodded as he swallowed, feeling his heart flutter a bit when he heard that Dream had originally planned to make this.

"I'm glad you like it, I'm done so I'll get back to work, you boys feel free to use the TV or anything. Just don't stay up too late, Techno has to get back home tomorrow." Dream's mother said as she got up from her seat, taking it to the sink.

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