Chapter 9

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(This chapter will be written by me because I want to do something over the weekend for our 2 lovelies.)

3rd POV

Techno looked up from the paper that read Dream's number, seeing his family car turning from the main street.

He hopped off their porch and walked towards the road, hearing his name being called from the car as he got closer. Techno groaned to see Wilbur sitting shotgun next to his dad.

"Techno! My baby brother, how was your little date with Dreamy boy?" Wilbur asked in a teasing tone. Techno climbed into the back seat of the car, "My what?" he asked, sounding a bit offended.

"You heard me! How was your little playdate with Dream?" He asked again with a wide grin. Techno heard his dad letting out a light chuckle and began to drive back to their house.

Techno rolled his eyes and made a little 'tsk'. "Well, I wouldn't call it a date, Wilbur. And to let you know it went horribly." He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"What did you do this time Techno?" His father asked, looking at him through the rearview mirror. "Don't bother lying either, please." His father added.

Techno looked out the window before responding, he had a face that read guilt when he looked back at the rearview, seeing his father looking back at the road. "Without thinking I touched his tail..."

"You what?" The two in the front said in unison.

"I know! It's bad, but I wasn't thinking and it looked murky and foggy. The next thing I knew, I was touching it." Techno explained, realizing how bad the situation sounded.

"Dear brother, please tell me you plan on apologizing to him at one point," Wilbur said, sighing.

"I do, but I don't know how..." He muttered, though audible enough for them to hear.

Wilbur turned around and saw the piece of paper in his brother's hand. "What's the paper?" He asked. Techno looked down at the paper and flushed, "It's his number...his mom gave it to me so we could have meetups for the project..."

"GOD. Techno why are you so dense?! That's exactly how you're going to apologize! You send him an apology text and plan your meetup for this weekend!" Wilbur cried.

"What? Well, I guess you do have a point..."

"Yes, I know I do! Now quickly add in his number!"

The car pulled up into their driveway, the three climbed out of the car and made their way inside. Techno grabbed his phone before he threw his bag next to their shoe rack. He then went to sit on the nearby couch.

"Go on! Add his number!" Wilbur encouraged.

Techno stared at the piece of paper in his hand, taking out his phone. He punched in the numbers and pushed himself to send a message.



'Who is this?'

'This is Techno. Is this Dream?'

'How the hell did you get my number?'

'Hah your mom gave it to me'

'Dammit of course she did. What do you want?'

'To work on the project of course.'


Techno sent the message, expecting a witty comeback but instead, he was left on read. 'Ouch.'

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