Chapter 16

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Techno's POV

"FUCK YEAH!" Tommy cried as we won the game, Tommy bounced in excitement on my bed. Dream let out a chuckle, "Nice going," 

I snorted, "D'you expect me to be bad?" I asked, with a sarcastic scoff at the end. Dream had his mask on but I could tell he was rolling his eyes at me.

"Oh shit, what time is it?" Dream asked as he looked down at his laptop. I copied this action, the time read '6:34'.

"You said your mom is picking you up around this time?" I asked as I closed my laptop.

"Yeah," Dream said hastily, throwing everything into his bag. He took the draft of the project and tossed it into his bag along with his laptop and notebook.

"Well boys, I'm gon leave ya to it! Nice meeting you, Dream!" Tommy said as he stood up, before Dream could answer, Tommy was already making his way downstairs.

Dream went back to packing everything up, it wasn't much, but when you're in a rush everything just seems everywhere. I'm sure you know what I mean.

I heard Dream zip up his bag and sighed with relief.

"You good?"

"I- uh, yeah." He simply said, taking a deep breath.

"Did you want to go downstairs?" I paused, "I don't mind you staying in my room though," I quickly added, shit why did I make it sound like that-

"If it's fine with you, I wanted to check your room out some more. The figurines are pretty cool."

I felt butterflies form in my stomach as I felt myself heat up. Letting out a huff, "Yeah, my room is pretty darn cool," I say with a cocky tone as I got out of bed and stood up. I turned my back towards him as I became red. Am I sick? Dream let out a huff of disbelief, "Whatever."

I calmed myself and turned around to face Dream, who was looking at some of my books and a few of the little figures I had.

"What about this one?" Dream asked, he pointed to a miniature Minecraft armor stand that had netherite armor on it. I walked over and stood next to him, "Can you guess?" I asked with a small grin.

I had made that about a year ago, it was an absolute bitch to try and make that from scratch, but overall I'm happy with the result. It looks like it came from the game and I added tiny fake gemstones to make it look a bit prettier.

"I'm gonna guess it's store-bought. Though it does look like it would cost a lot," Dream answered. I backed up and walked over to my other shelf.


"You're kidding," Dream said in disbelief, Dream turned his head to look at me and went back to looking at the figure, "You made this too?"

"Did you doubt me?"





"Quite rude of you, Smiles."

Dream looked around my room, pointing out little figurines and asking if I had made them or not. He didn't exactly grab and touch anything, which was nice. He just looked and observed everything.

Though I did notice him coming back to the netherite armor stand every once and a while to examine it.

"You like that one?" I asked as I stood beside him.

"Yeah, this one's probably my favorite," He admitted, feeling a sudden wave of pride washing over me.

Before I could make a witty response, the doorbell rang.

"Coming!" I heard dadza yell from downstairs.

"That's probably my mom," Dream said as he picked up his bag. The two of us walked downstairs, as soon as we reached the bottom, Dad was talking to Dream's mom as if they'd been friends for a long time.

"Dad?" I asked in a tone that was in need of an explanation.

"Techno! You didn't tell me Dream's mother was Puffy!" He said with a laugh.

I glanced over at Dream who seemed equally as confused though he had his mask on. "You two know each other?" He questioned.

"Yep! We've been working together for a bit now!" Miss Puffy explained with a friendly smile, "Now, come on Dream. We should get going." She said, "Right," Dream followed his mom who was already walking out the door.

He turned around and faced me, he scratched his head and awkwardly looked to the side, "I'll see you around," 

"Yeah, see you around."

Ms. Puffy said her goodbye's one last time before shutting the door. As soon as dad locked it, he turned around to face me, "So how'd it go?" He asked with a grin. 

"What?" I asked in confusion of what he meant.

"I didn't hear too much fighting, are you and Dream friends now?" adding enthusiasm to the word 'friends'.

"Well, I guess progress was made," I half mumbled, he smiled and began to walk towards the kitchen again, "That's great, son," He let out a relieved sigh, "Now I'm curious how you'll get him to like you back."

I was so shocked at what he said, that before I could say anything he disappeared into another room.


"You still stuck on thinking you hate him?" a voice came, I turned around to see Wilbur leaning on the doorframe that led to the hallway. He wore a sly smile and didn't wait for a response, "Don't worry my baby brother, I'll help you!" Wilbur said as he stood up straight. 

"Well, I don't hate him exactly. I still find him annoying as hell." I flushed, recalling the moments from the past where he would do something stupid. Or when he would awe at the things I would create, or when he would thank me for something. 

"But do you? Do you really find him annoying?" He questioned.

"Are you trying to start something?" I spat, darting a glare at him.

He put his hands up into the air as if to show his innocence. "Dear baby brother, be thankful that I'm willing to help you even when you lash out at me like this." He stated.

"What are you talking about? Help? What help do I need?"

He sighed deeply, throwing his hands back down to his sides. His shoulders sunk and he leaned his head back. "You're so hopeless- this is exactly why I'm helping you." He finally said, still not answering my questions. 

"Forget it, I'm sure it'll hit you eventually."

That was all Wilbur said before turning around and walked away.

The fuck is he going on about?


I'm so sorry for not updating TuT something came up and it stopped me from writing for a bit. 

Thank you all so much for being so patient, it's currently 3 am and I had the sudden encouragement to work. 

Thank you all so much for reading, please vote and comment. <3

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