𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

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After watching Monty's unconscious body get dragged away, the woman, who I assumed to be a grounder, tied a cloth over my head, gagging me. "You come with me quietly, and you don't have to get hurt. Anya will be pleased to hear that I captured one of you." The woman whispered into my ear. My fight or flight was kicking in as adrenaline rushed through my body. I knew if I went with the woman anyway, I'd probably turn up like Murphy. Once she pulled me up, I threw an elbow back into her stomach, attempting to make a run for it.

I didn't make it far as she caught up to me, crashing us to the ground."That was a mistake." She seethed, yanking me by my hair as a muffled yelp exited my mouth. She took one final blow, hitting me on the head hard enough to knock me out, and everything went black.


I had woken up to discover my ankles were bound, my wrists chained, and I remained gagged with a cloth. I had no clue in hell where I was, but I knew it was no where I wanted to be. A small barred window revealed stripes of sunlight seeping in, indicating that I must have been out long enough for it to become day. I hoped that Clarke and Finn would've been found by now, alive and unharmed. But I knew that was wishful thinking, something unrealistic here. The door to the cell I was being held in was opened, revealing 3 tall grounders, Anya among them.

The woman crouched down in front of me, searching me with her eyes as if she was sizing me up. "I was told you were a fighter. Didn't get you far, did you?" She taunted arrogantly, a wicked smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Makes it easier for us. It means you're weak, we need that. You'll be easier to break." She sneered, continuing on. "I could tell you meant what you said on the bridge. You wanted peace. Maybe if your friend wasn't so arrogant, and your people would agree to our terms, we could've made an alliance." She stated, hands firmly gripping her knees. "I'll make you a deal. You give us information on your friends and how to infiltrate the camp, and we won't kill you."

I laughed at her pathetic attempt of an unfair trade, shaking my head. She leaned forward, removing the gag from my mouth. "Hardly sounds like a fair deal, don't you think?" I stated plainly, glaring at the woman. She took out her blade, turning it to reflect light before slashing it across my cheek. Blood dripped quickly from it as I sucked a harsh breath in through my teeth. I looked back to the woman, glaring daggers into her soul. A smile met her lips as she tilted her head. "You're strong willed... you'd make a great warrior Astoria." She admitted before getting to her feet. "We're attacking your camp tomorrow, I'm sorry you won't get to say goodbye... at least you'll be the last woman standing... for a while." She derided, turning to the two men hovering over us, speaking a language I couldn't understand. They nodded, leaving the room.

Now it was just her and I. She took a glance over her shoulder, then back to me. "I know you, like Clarke, are a healer. Luckily for you... we need one here... now that ours is dead. I also know your passion for peace and justice is useful. Perhaps someone could train you.... You have the qualities and mindset of a warrior. That's not something you find in everyone, you best put use to it eventually." She said before coming to a stance, crossing the room, halting before exiting as I called out her name.

"Who were those people who took my friend? The men in the gas masks?" My lip quivered as I remembered Monty, and how he was God knows where. "Mountain Men. Pray you never end up in their hands." She spoke quickly before exiting, leaving me alone once again. I hated feeling so useless when I could be with my people, fighting by their side. I knew we didn't have enough resources to wipe the attackers out, but at least I could die by my friends, my newfound family's side.


Unbeknownst to Astoria, the camp had already been attacked, thousands of grounders had been wiped out, and more than half of the remaining 100 were taken by the mountain. She didn't know that the rest of the Ark had come down to earth, rescuing the remaining kids and bringing them back to the new camp.

She had remained here in a cell, starving and petrified at the thought of the bodies of her new family scattered around. There was no way she could believe they had survived. Her heart ached at the knowledge that she was what she thought to be the last of her kind on the ground. Punching her fists against the walls with all her strength, the skin on her knuckles broke at the contact, aching, just as her heart had.  

As half of her friends resided in Mount Weather, not only had she helped numerous grounders, but she was also given the opportunity to learn to fight and took it. All of this would file in perfectly to the events that were coming; the terror of Mount Weather, and the mission to save her people's lives from it.

𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the first book of the series, and look forward to the future coming second book/ second season. Thank you for the support, because this took a long time to put together, but we finally made it, so thank you. <3

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