𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.

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After enough time had passed, I assumed the fog had cleared, and Murphy hadn't bothered to try and get in. Quickly slipping down the ladder and having the hatch shut behind me, I see that the drop ship door had already been opened, everyone already piled out. Makes it less complicated for me. I needed to get more seaweed from the creek, so I began to head there before hearing screaming from outside the camp. The screams sounded like the person letting them out was terrified, and it could've been Clarke, or someone in need of help.

Racing through the woods, I stumbled upon someone crouching down above another, a little girl not too far from the two. The hair of the crouching man was immediately recognizable, so I knew it was safe to make my way over. "Bellamy?" I had asked, walking over before gasping at the site of a perishing Atom. Bellamy's head whipped around, looking straight to me. Just as he had stood up, a group of other teenagers who had most likely been out in the forest while the yellow fog was out had found themselves with us, and the little girl handed Bellamy a knife. "Go back to camp." He announced to the group before saying something to the little girl too. She began to walk away as I made my way closer to Bellamy, now side by side with him. "What happened to him?" I inquired quietly, crouching down. "My best guess is the fog, he keeps whispering something to me." He whispered back. I raised an eyebrow, and he shakes his head, looking to the knife. "Kill me." Atom pleads from below. I look to him, observing the undeniable agonizing pain he was in.

I could tell Bellamy is scared as he freezes, unable to do what we both know needs to be done to help Atom. "Bellamy, please." He makes out, coughing frequently. I wait to see if he'll take the initiative before realizing he couldn't. Instead, I slowly take the knife from his hand, not missing the distressed look he shot my way. "I'm going to help you, alright?" I smile to Atom, trying not to think about what I'm about to do too much. I begin to hum, reaching one hand out to stroke his hair, as I tighten my grip around the blade. Bellamy's eyes are on me as I slowly bring the knife to Atom's neck, sliding it in the side quickly, but efficiently, continuing to hum as I withdraw it. His breathing slows, and he eventually stops making any noise at all. He's just lifeless. A tear threatens to fall, but I blink it back, feeling Bellamy's eyes burning on me.


Walking back to camp, I walked beside Clarke and Finn, who had found us along the way, discussing what we needed to do next for Jasper. I didn't want to think of Atom right now, I couldn't. "We've got to get to Jasper. I'll need boiled water to make the medicine." Clarke commands before walking ahead, leaving Finn and I behind. "Get Clarke whatever she needs." I hear Bellamy tell someone behind me, Octavia now coming out of the drop ship. "It's about time. They're gonna kill Jasper. Did you get the Medicine?" She asks, looking between Clarke and I. I had completely forgotten that I was supposed to be down at the creek getting more seaweed. Luckily Clarke had gotten some already, trying to get Octavia back into the drop ship.

It's too late when she pushes past both of us, walking towards Bellamy. "Octavia, just stay there. Please, stay back." He tries to stop her, but fails as she pushes through and crouches down. My heart aches as she removes the jacket covering Atom's lifeless body, tears falling down her cheeks. "There's nothing I could do-"

"Don't." She interrupts him, holding her hand up, covering Atom back up. I felt sick as she pushed her way back to the drop ship, heartbreak radiating off of her. I knew I wasn't responsible for what happened to him, but I couldn't help but feel bad. Instead of going inside the drop ship, I walk towards our tent, crouching beside the back of the tent and vomiting. My bottom lip had begun to quiver as I grasped my stomach with one hand, holding my hair to the side with another. "Hey, you okay?" I hear Bellamy's voice from the front of the tent.

I hate to have anyone see me in this state, but there's not much I could do about it. I nodded, hoping he would go away, but he didn't. "I'm fine Bellamy." I try to say before more bile came up and out of me. "No, you're not. Here." He stated, offering water to me. I shook my head, holding out my hand so he would stay at a distance. "Please Astoria, take it."

I took it from his hands, taking a gulp before setting myself down. He sat down where he was, facing me. I couldn't imagine how I looked right now, but I could only hope that the darkness of the night would hide some of it. Wiping my mouth, I met his eyes. "Now are you going to tell me what's wrong?" He inquired, searching my eyes for an answer. "I know I'm not the reason Atom ended up that way; I know I helped him, considering he would've suffered... but I... I just killed someone. God- what is Octavia going to think-" I sigh, looking to the ground. "She'll understand Astoria. You helped him end his suffering. That's what matters, not that you took his life-" He said before realizing his last words could've been phrased better, "You know what I mean." He sighed. "Yeah... I hope so."


Finn, Monty, Clarke, Octavia and I all sat around Jasper; Octavia giving him water. My hand was in his, as I'd lightly squeeze here and there, hoping to receive one back. "I'm really sorry about Atom." Clarke starts, and the pit in my stomach becomes evident again. Tears already begin to form in her eyes as she slowly looks to Clarke, uttering the words: "I guess we're gonna have to get used to people dying down here, aren't we? But not you. You hear me? You're not allowed to die." She whispers the last part to Jasper. All of us watch as she tends to him, and I lean against Monty.

I could only hope we wouldn't have to get used to that.

𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐚 ➪ 𝐛. 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞Where stories live. Discover now