𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧.

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"Should we split up?" Clarke questioned as we ran through the forest. "Yeah. You go that way. I'll check at the bottom. Fox, you go that way." Finn ordered, and we all ran our separate ways. As I made my way down the path, I saw a pod in the distance, so I picked up my pace. Taking a hold of the side door, I lifted it, revealing Raven inside- one of Finn's closest childhood friends besides myself. "Raven?" I questioned, concerned at her bloodied face. "Astoria?" Her voice came out weak before her eyes drifted towards the side. "I made it?"

I smiled and nodded, helping her out of the pod. "Watch your step." I muttered, helping her down. Immediately, we embraced. "I haven't seen you in forever, you look great!" She smiled, holding me out by my upper arms. I beamed at the compliment, remembering how long it's been since I'd seen her. "It was only 3 years ago." I laughed, letting her go. She looked up to the sky, putting her arms out, slowly spinning. "I dreamed it would smell like this. Is this rain?" She questioned with a laugh, not taking her eyes off the sky as I replied; "Welcome home."

I looked behind her to see Clarke and Finn racing down the hill to us. "Raven!" He called out to her; immediately, she turned around, looking to the two. "Finn!"

Running into his arms, I see the change in Clarke's emotion. "You're bleeding." Finn states, looking from Clarke to Raven. "I don't care." Raven replies, pulling him into a kiss, passionate one that is. Clarke's smile completely drops as she looks to the ground as my face contorts in confusion- that was new, at least within the years I hadn't been around. Knowing there was potentially something going on between Clarke and him since landing here due to their strange behavior, I was left concerned. "How did you get here?" Finn asks Raven after separating from her. "You know that big scrap hold? The one on K deck?"

"You built that from scrap?" Finn questions, looking to the pod. "I kind of rebuilt it. Please, like that's hard. I just needed a couple parts and some love." Raven responds, a smile spreading across her face. "You're insane." Finn jokes.

"I'd do more for you and worse. Just like you would for me." She coos as Finn uncomfortably looks to Clarke and I. The awkwardness in this field knowing that Finn had probably cheated on Raven was getting too much to bear. Raven loses her balance, so Finn gestures for her to sit down. "Uhm, I think you guys got this handled. I'm going to head back to camp." I announced, not stopping for them to say something in return.


"Astoria?" I hear Bellamy's voice from behind me. I had been walking back for a while, but if I was being honest, I was kind of lost. "What are you doing out here?" He inquired, coming closer. "I could ask you the same thing." I shortly replied, crossing my arms. "Trying to find Octavia. It's dangerous out here, you should go back to camp."

"Bellamy, I don't need you to tell me what to do. I can protect myself, so take your own damn advice. I'm a 'big girl', remember?" I mocked, starting to turn away, but he reaches for my wrist. "Would you stop doing that?" I shouted, trying to yank it away, but he only tightened his grip. "Is this because of what we did to Murphy?"

"What you did. Yes, it is, and also because you're an ass." I grunted, trying to pull my wrist away. "I did what I had to. You should understand that."

"I would if you would've had a good enough reason to. You did what you thought you had to- to appease a crowd. Next time you want justice for almost being murdered, maybe you should be turned away to survive on your own; oh wait. I forgot, people in charge don't have that happen." I spat, looking straight into his eyes. "Why are you defending him? Is he your boyfriend or something?"

"No, I just happen to actually care. Just because Clarke understands you, doesn't mean I do. All I see when I look at you is you kicking that crate from below Murphy's feet, even as he begged for you to believe him, when he begged for his life. He was terrified Bellamy. You were his friend, and you traded his life for your own self-serving bias. You know you liked the power you felt when everyone was chanting your name. Your arrogance ruins you, and you let it. So yes, I'm still mad at you, and I know you took the radio from the pod too. I thought you weren't a killer, but I was wrong... You are." I spilled, the anger bringing unwanted tears. His own eyes burdened that of guilt and hurt, but his grip had loosened. I took that opportunity to leave, but he came after me. "Astoria- wait, please." He begged from behind, but I didn't plan on stopping.

"Hey!" Clarke's voice yells from behind us. "Where is it?"

I turn around to see her grabbing on to Bellamy's shoulder. "Just taking a walk in the woods." He cockily states, quickly changing his persona. "They're getting ready to kill 300 people up there, to save oxygen. And I can guarantee you it won't be council members. It'll be working people. Your people." She angrily says, shoving her finger against his chest. "Bellamy, where's the radio?" Finn comes out of nowhere, shoving Bellamy's chest. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Bellamy replies, shoving Finn back. "Bellamy Blake? They're looking everywhere for you." Raven speaks up, to which I cock my head. "Shut up." He threatens.

"Looking for him why?" I question, slowly walking closer. "He shot Chancellor Jaha." Raven admits, and we all go silent. "What did I say." I laugh, which only makes Bellamy angrier. "That's why you took the wristbands. Needed everyone to think we're dead." Clarke accuses, and Bellamy looks as if he's becoming uncomfortable. "And all that 'whatever the hell we want?' You just care about saving your own skin." Finn quietly states; Bellamy begins to walk away, but Raven goes after him. "Hey! Shooter! Where's my radio?" She inquires, getting in front of him. "Get out of my way."

"Where is it?"

"I should've killed you when I had the chance." He seethes, getting in her face. "Really? Well, I'm right here." She responds, getting in his face as well. He grabs her by the shoulders, grabbing her throat and shoves her against a tree, but she's quicker. She pulls a knife to his throat, smiling. "Where's my radio?"

"Okay stop it." Clarke interferes, Finn and her close to the two as I stand back. "Jaha deserved to die. You all know that." Bellamy raised his voice, walking closer to me. "Yeah, he's not my favorite person, either. But he isn't dead." Raven states, smirking to Bellamy. "What?"

"You're a lousy shot." Raven mocks him, and I can see fear take over in his eyes. "Bellamy, don't you see what this means? You're not a murderer. You always did what you had to do to protect your sister. That's who you are. And you can do it again, by protecting 300 of your people. Where's the radio?" Clarke goes on. He looks between all of, swallowing hard. "It's too late."

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