𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

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I was awoken early the next day by Clarke, who was checking up on why I was having a difficult time keeping myself up the other night. I was hopeful Bellamy came back with her, but didn't ask; not wanting to risk the disappointment... or appear as if I cared. "So... is she okay?" Octavia asked from her cot, hands on her knees as she sat and waited anxiously. "Yep, everything's fine. Your body needed more strength than it had; more time to recuperate. Although you might've felt fine, your body was extremely over exhausted and unwilling to function... the jobi nuts didn't help. It was harder to pin point since the poison wasn't as deep as it was for Finn, but it still affected you almost to the same degree. I don't doubt you could've started seizing if we never gave you the cure. Drink some water, do some form of exercise not involving hurting yourself, and you should be fine. Even better, it's Unity Day!" Clarke addressed, sarcastically exclaiming towards the end. I let out a smile laugh before thanking her as she left, getting dressed for the day. "They brought guns to camp." Octavia announced as she began to dress as well, combing her hair with her fingers. "They?" I questioned, facing her as I zipped up my jacket half-way. "Yes, they. Bellamy and Clarke." She sighed, not seeming to be happy about the guns or Bellamy. It felt good to know he was back, and that I could try and sort out what was going on and what I was feeling while he was here.

"I'm going to head out, you coming?" She asked as she made her way to lift the tent's flap open, looking to me. "Nah, I'll meet up with you in a second. I've never been a fan of the whole Unity thing. It's a lie anyway." I stated, nodding for her to leave. She tilted her head in a questioning manner, but shrugged it off and left, nodding back. I bent down to slide my shoes on, stretching my arms and legs as I slowly rolled my head in a circle, stretching my shoulders back and exiting the tent, hearing Jasper yelling something from beyond. Everyone had begun to gather around Jasper, who was pouring 'Unity Juice' into individual containers and bottles; I had noticed one person in the back running away from the scene, long brunette hair flying in the wind. Octavia. I was much more interested in where she was going than to try one of Monty's experiments, thinking back to the time I was sick for a week after drinking a concoction he had made. Octavia had pushed the gate open, exiting the camp; before I could even follow, I was stopped by a firm grasp around my forearm.

My eyes met Bellamy's newly bruised face once I turned around, but a smile engulfed my face. He looked confused as to why I had such a wide smile, but I didn't care. I pulled him into a hug, taking him by surprise; It took him a moment to hug me back, but when he did, warmth flooded through our bodies. His hands rubbed against my back for a split second before his head buried itself into my neck as I felt a smile form on his lips, letting out a laugh of relief. When we pulled away from the embrace, his hands had remained on my waist. He looked as though he wanted to say something, but didn't know if he should. "What is it?" I asked him, moving my head to align with his eyesight. "Last night, I was pardoned by the Chancellor." He firmly said, full of self-assurance. "That's great news Bellamy!" I lightly smiled, waiting for him to finish talking. He looked shocked at this, which I couldn't figure out why. "What?"

"It's just... before that one night... when we didn't get along that well... you told me I was a murderer. I can stand Clarke or anyone else hating me or saying that shit, but when you said it... it made me hate who I was, because I knew in a way, you were right. And that's not who I want to be. I was scared that you still believed it, and that was one of the reasons I wanted to leave last night... I just need to know, do you?" He questioned, shifting his weight from one foot to another. 

"No, I don't believe it. Not after much thought and observation." I revealed, offering a small smile. "I see the good in you as much as I always speak on the bad. I saw you close Roma's eyes... and I saw the pain in yours. Same with when Atom died. You have a heart, because you're human. The things you do, I don't always understand. But what I understand is that the choices you make are the ones you think are right. You make the hard choices for us to survive... which isn't always fair. It hurt finding out what you did to that grounder for Finn and I's sake... but I know that if you, or Octavia, hadn't done what you did, Finn would've been a goner and I might've too. You get under my skin... and you frustrate me. But I know your heart is pure, and that you're trying your best." I expressed, his eyes meeting mine. 

He nodded with a smile. "Thank you... also... about that kiss- I'm sorry if that was inappropriate. It felt... right?" He awkwardly stated, rubbing the back of his neck. "It did take me by surprise but, I hardly think an apology is necessary. You're a good kisser, I'll give you that."  I laughed, retreating from Bellamy's grasp as I heard the chattering from the once-crowd disperse.

He laughed in return, shaking his head. "I could use some Unity Juice, you?" He questioned, gesturing his hand towards Monty. "Yeah, I think we deserve some." 


Night time had approached, and everyone was having the time of their life by now. We were all having Unity Juice by now, enjoying ourselves. I had caught up with Monty and Jasper, and they told me about the hell-of a trip that they both individually had gone on after consuming those nuts. I had realized that Octavia hadn't returned to camp all day, so I decided to take it upon myself to go find her, grabbing the blade the grounder had used on Finn and I from the dropship first. 'Exercise not involving hurting yourself' echoed through my head in Clarke's voice, but I didn't care about getting hurt, I cared about making sure Octavia was okay. I told the two I needed to use the restroom, safely slipping out of the camp, and through the woods.

I could hear rustling of bushes in the distance, so I quietly followed the sound, revealing Octavia, and the grounder who had stabbed Finn and cut me, kissing. Unfortunately for me, I stepped on a twig, startling the both of them. "Astoria?" Octavia whisper-yelled as the grounder began to storm at me, and instinctively I pulled out the knife used to poison me, holding it in front of me as I cautiously backed away. "Lincoln! Wait, wait! She's my friend!" She cried out, pulling him back. I slowly lowered the blade, trying to prove that I was harmless, hoping he would lower his too. He looked confused, looking to the weapon. "I think you lost this." I quietly announced, slowly stepping forward. The grounder continued to stare daggers into my soul, before motioning for me to follow.

He lead us to his cave, which brought back the memory from days earlier. "So... what the hell are you doing here?" Octavia asked from behind me as I searched the room with my eyes, heartbeat racing. "I could ask you the same thing." I stated with cracks in my voice. Walking over to the horn that was on the grounders belt, I picked it up, looking towards the tall, rather handsome man. "You blew this when your people were hunting us. You saved our lives. I have to believe there's more like you." I directed towards the man, who began to step forward. "I hurt you and your friend." He lowly said, eyes squinting. "And they tortured you. If the two of us can get along, then maybe there's hope. Learn from history instead of repeating it, right?" I said empathetically with reason, only wanting peace. "How's that gonna happen?" Octavia asked from beside the man, looking to the floor.

"For starters... no more killing." I suggested, as I was one who wasn't for violence. "I don't have the power to call a truce." He informed, jaw clenching. "Then bring me someone who does." I suggested, receiving a scoff from him. "Look. The rest of our people are coming down here. The first ship lands in two days; and because of the attacks... they're sending mostly soldiers, the people that enforce our laws. The Ark is about survival at any cost, and as much as I dislike it, they'll kill people who fall out of line. When those people get down here, if they feel threatened, which they probably will... they will start a war... and I don't want that. Neither do you, and I think that's why you blew that horn. Once the soldiers get here, it'll be too late. We'll have no power to stop them, but if they see that we're at peace... then maybe we have a chance to stay that way." I stated with authority, proud of myself for the little speech I gave. The man looked to Octavia, and they nodded to each other.

"Alright. You bring your leader, I'll bring mine." He affirmed, nodding to me now. As I nodded back, Octavia intervened. "What... Bellamy? He'll never go for this... you know that Astoria." She hastily said, looking between the man and me. "No. Not your brother." The man said, looking to me. "Clarke." I sighed, not sure if she'd actually agree to this at all, but she'd better.

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