𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱.

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"Hey, wanna share a tent?" Octavia questions from beside me, where we had been sitting for the past half hour. "Yeah, sure- sounds good." I smiled, throwing my hair up into a ponytail. The night sky was beautiful, and everyone still resided around the campfire. "What drove you to take your wristband off? You know how Clarke will be-"

"I know how she'll be. I'll explain the situation... that shit was damaging my wrist. Hopefully she'll understand." I laugh, holding it up to show the punctured wounds all around, and twisting it so she could see the blood stains. "And if she doesn't?"

"She'll just have to deal with it. I need to clean it, I'll probably do that when I go in to check on Jasper. I just don't want to deal with that whole facade that'll unfold once I do." I sigh, not wanting Clarke to freak out over this. "Monty told me you weren't one for drama." She stated, adjusting herself in her seat. "That would be true." I reply, shaking my head. I noticed how she kept scanning the camp with her eyes, becoming worried.

"Everything alright Tavia?" I inquired, placing a hand on hers. Looking to me, she slowly nods. "I just haven't seen Atom since Bellamy found us..." She whispered, now looking over to Bellamy. "I'm sure he's around here somewhere." I tried to reassure her, looking around the camp now. "Anyway, I'm going to go check on Jasper and get this cleaned up, but I'll be back out soon so we can set up our tent." I smiled, getting up from the ground.

Making my way over, I hear groaning coming from the drop ship, which immediately made me think that Jasper was awake. "His pulse is 380." I hear Clarke say as I climb the ladder. Some guys start to complain from below as I make my way over to a crouching Clarke, who looked at a watch. "How's he doing?" I asked her, putting a hand against his forehead. She almost replies until she looks to my wrist, eyebrows furrowing at the lack of metal. "Where the hell is your wristband?" She questioned in a bitter tone. "Clarke, it doesn't matter. I'm here for Jasper, I-"

"What the hell do you mean by it doesn't matter? How many times do I have to say that life is dying on the Ark and our wristbands are the only things that'll save our people!" She exclaims, clenching her jaw. "Your people." I mutter, starting to get up. "What do you mean 'my people?'"

"I just- I don't have anyone who would be affected up there. The only people I need are here. And I know that doesn't matter when it comes to proving we are surviving, but you can keep your wristband on. It was my decision to take it off. I needed to." I rambled, getting frustrated over her making everything about a damn band of metal.

"I came here for Jasper. This isn't about me. Not unless you're going to clean up the mess that that wristband caused." I declared, holding up my wrist to her. She slightly gasped at the sight of it, furrowing her eyebrows. "You're bleeding-"

"Really? I had no clue." I sighed sarcastically, ripping a piece off of my already torn shirt, wrapping it around my wrist. "I can't count the amount of times Bellamy has hurt the holy hell out of my wrist today, and taking that tacky tech off of my wrist was about the only relieving thing that happened today, besides getting him." I motioned to Jasper. I hadn't even noticed that Monty was up here, but I didn't mind since he was my best friend, and not someone I needed to worry about. "I'll go get some ointments for that, take care of Jasper while I do." Clarke addressed, getting up and heading down the ladder.

Jasper's groans only increased and sounded more painful each time, making my heart ache. I can't imagine what he's been through. More complains were being yelled, but I only shook them off. "Don't listen to them okay? You're going to get through this." I whispered to Jasper, holding onto his hand.

A couple more minutes in silence, I felt my eyelids grow heavy. I planted a kiss on Jasper's forehead, rubbing my thumb across his hand once more before standing up and heading over to the ladder. "I'm going to go bunk up with Octavia. Think you could keep an eye on him?" I whisper to Monty who nods his head. "Goodnight monnie."


I had completely forgotten that Clarke was going to clean up my wound, but she never came back with ointments, and I had already set everything up with Octavia. I figured I could just tend to it in the morning. As I laid myself onto the cot, I let out a slow exhale, finally feeling calmer than I've felt the past two days; burned out of adrenaline.

"Can I ask you something Astoria?" Octavia questions from beside me, shifting her body to turn towards mine. I nodded, shifting to look at her as well. "What's going on between you and Finn?" I sigh at this question, rubbing my eyes. "Okay I seriously give up now." I laughed, but she looked confused. "You are the third person to ask that. There's nothing going on between us, I swear. Just childhood best friends. Why?"

"I see the way he looks at you... Murphy too. How do you do it?" She asks me, but I don't completely understand. "Uhm... I don't really know. I think you're doing something right, because I saw the way Atom looks at you... Jasper too." I whispered, hearing the camp quiet down. "Jasper?" She asked confused, which only made me laugh. "You are blind as a bat."

"I hate you." She laughed, hitting my arm. "Ouch." I whisper-laughed, pretending to stab my heart as I turned to face the top of the tent. A moment of silence passed after she laughed, but it wasn't too long before she spoke up again. "How'd you get locked up?"

"Oh.. uhm, it's a long story... usually leaves a depressing mood afterwards." I tried to joke, but she remained serious. "I'm sorry... for whatever happened. I heard it was bad, but I never got the actual story. I don't expect you to tell me, but I just want you to know that you can always talk to me Astoria. I know that we've only known each other for like... 2 days... but I think you're my friend, and I've never really had a friend before." She says whole-heartily, and I know she's being sincere. "Thank you... yeah- you're my friend too Octavia." I replied with a gentle smile.

We went back and forth chatting together before drifting to sleep, a smile spread across my face.

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