My Only One

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Mikayla's POV

Today is the day, Adam's birthday party is happening in about an hour. Everyone has already started arriving to the venue. The kids are already there, they have been such a great help at getting this party planned. Adam thought we were going to a fancy restaurant; just us. The kids were "going out" and doing their own thing.

"I'm ready, my beautiful wife." Adam said smooth walking down the staircase towards me. I was standing over by the mirror double checking my outfit and makeup. "I'm ready, my handsome husband."

"Y'know," he walked up behind me and leaned down to my ear. "Your hair is looking dangerously inviting to be wrapped in my hand while I'm fucking you from behind and your neck is looking exceptionally naked without it being littered with my hickeys."

"I would very much rather you take me; right here, right now." I started saying while leaning into his warmth. "But we've got a reservation to get to."

"You're such a tease. You barely touched me and I'm hard already." He groaned.

"Boy! If you don't bring you behind on. It's your birthday, I have some things planned."

Adam has this belief that a woman shouldn't have to drive if her significant other is also in the car, nor should she ever have to pump her gas. The man is a true gentleman, almost to the point it's sickening at times.

As we arrived at the hotel, I pulled the blindfold out of my bag. After the valet took the keys we made our way into the venue.

"If you wanted to dominate me babe, you don't need me to be blindfolded."

"In your dreams."

I led him to the room where we were holding the party.

"Alright are you ready? I'm starving." A perverted grin stretched across his lips. "I've got a fat foot long with your name on it."

"Keep it up, I might skip dessert." I stopped and reached behind him to take off the blindfold. I gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. "I love you, my love." As we walked through the doors, everyone yelled as they saw Adam.

"Surprise!" His face lit up with a wide smile as he was welcomed. The kids rushed up to him and surrounded him with hugs and love. The photographers flashes were continuously going off to capture the beautiful moment.

I stayed on the sidelines already reveling in his happiness. After greeting the kids, Adam made his way around the venue welcoming all of his family and friends. To my surprise, sat at a table was Amanda and Avery. Did I think they removed whatever stick up their ass? No. Was I glad they came to support their son and brother? Absolutely. Tonight, Adam's happiness was the only thing on my mind.

As the night went on, Adam got drunk as hell but somehow it looked like he was just tipsy. My husband knows how to hold his liquor.

"Excuse me everyone, I'd like your attention for a minute." Mason's voice boomed through the speakers. "First, I'd like to thank my mom for helping us plan this. It really wouldn't have gotten done without her."

"Second, I just want to give a shoutout to my dad. Some of you know, we haven't always been the closest. Today, my dad is one of my truest supporters. I am being raised by a great man who has taught me the importance of family. Thank you dad for your endless sacrifices, dedication, and support to us. I love you." My heart fluttered as I listened to Mason speak about his father. They haven't had the greatest relationship, but it's beautiful now. They're almost inseparable sometimes.

Next up was Adam. He had taken of his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves. Tattoos on full display and made me weak in the knees. "Uh, I'd just like to thank everyone for coming out. You all really made me feel loved tonight and I got to see some people I haven't seen since we left Seattle. My wife and kids really outdid themselves with this one and for them I am truly thankful." He paused and took a sip of his drink. "But I really don't deserve a party or them for that matter. I haven't been the greatest father and for my wife to put so much into this I haven't been the greatest husband either and for that I am truly sorry."

He ushered me towards him and once I reached him he wrapped and arm strongly around my lower back.

"My wife has been the rock of our family since she came to me for a job over ten years ago. I didn't deserve her then and I definitely don't deserve her now, but she keeps me around for some reason. She's given unconditional love and support our whole relationship. She even uprooted her life for me. Mikayla Alyssa Paice, I love every minute of everyday that I am with you and I dread the days I am away from you. You are the love of my life, my only one, and the mother of my children. I am asking you in front of all of our family and friends," he pulled out a box, "will you do me the honor in joining me to renew our vows?"

He's asking me to remarry him? On his birthday? I was not expecting this. The ring was gorgeous. I wouldn't have expected anything less, knowing Adam was the over extravagant type.

"I'd marry you as many times as you asked me my love. Of course!"

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