Dinner Disaster

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Mikayla's POV

I think the talk with Adam and I went well. We're going to try and work it out, and to be honest I'm so glad that we were able to talk things out. I can't see myself being with anyone else. Yeah, we've been through a lot, but he's the love of my life.

Since Macie got out of school earlier than the boys, I was going to take her for a little froyo date to see how her first day went. I'd wanted to text her to see how she was, but Adam said if she needed me she'd call. I heard a knock on the car window and looked up from my phone to see her standing there with a sad look on her face.

"Hey babes, what up? How was your first day?" I asked as she settled herself into the passenger seat. "It wasn't too bad." She shrugged. "A lot better than what Dr. Fitch was preparing me for." She laughed dryly.

"Why the sad look?" She huffed before looking over to the football field. "Angel invited me to his and Mason's tryouts, but Mason said you needed me to watch the twins. Something about you hanging out with aunt Avery."

Huh? Avery was in Cancun with her husband until Thursday. "Who did Mason say he heard this from?"

"You... he said you texted me, but I didn't have any missed calls or unopened texts. He said you had only texted him." I stopped at a stop light and picked up my phone. Did I make plans and forget?

"I didn't text anyone Macie. Avery's still in Cancun with Jack." The frown on her face deepened as she heard my response. "Did Mason show you the text?" She shook her head.

"I'll ask him about it later. Maybe he just got something mixed up or whatever." She smiled sadly. I hope he didn't do this so she wouldn't go. It looked like she was looking forward to it.

"Are you sure? I was going to take you on a froyo date, but if you'd rather go look at sweaty boys run around then I can drive you back. We're not too far." She let out a loud laugh before covering her mouth. "Ew mom! I'm ok, we can get froyo."
We sat outside of the frozen yoghurt place watching people walk up and down the street. "So how are you liking classes so far?" I asked her licking my spoon.

"Not too bad. Angel is pretty much in most of my classes so he's helping me out a lot."

Angel's been so sweet to Avery since we moved to California the summer before Mason started his freshman year at Gregor Prep. My dad had moved out here with us, because I needed help with the kids. I'd gotten an offer with the LAPD to be lead detective and I took it. It was hard at first. Buying a house and furniture through video chats and pictures but everything worked out ok. Surprisingly, Adam was on board with us moving out here and after a while his family followed.

"That's nice. I'll have to thank him later at dinner. How was Mason with helping you?" She shifted in her seat before averting her eyes to something behind me. Somethings off. "He was alright. After we left the office I didn't really see him much."

"Oh ok. Well I'm glad you were able to get Angel to help you." She let out a quiet "yeah" and held a ghost of a smile on her lips.

"Someone got a crush?" I teased. Her eyes widened so big you would've thought they could pop out of her head. "No!" She denied loudly gaining the attention of the people walking by. "He's just nice is all." She sighed. "Plus I have so much going on a guy like him would never even glance my way."

"Girl please," I scoffed. "If you knew the all the drama I had when me and your dad started dating you wouldn't believe it." She just shrugged taking another spoonful of her yoghurt. "All's I'm saying is, if you like him and he likes you that other stuff doesn't really matter."

"We're home!" I screamed throughout the house. Adam and the boys' voices were heard from the living room. "Mom save us!" They screamed as we walked in. Adam had them twisted in his arms. Their squirming did nothing to get Adam to release them.

"You guys always get him started and want me to save you." I laughed at Carter's face. He looked completely concentrated on releasing himself from his father's grip. "I'm gonna pee myself." Spencer laughed. Macie joined in pleading Adam not to let go.

"If he pees you two are cleaning it up." I said pointing between him and Macie. "Boys go get ready for dinner. Macie can you set the table and Adam I need help in the kitchen." He followed behind me. I made sure Macie wasn't in earshot before letting him know about what Mason pulled.

"So Macie told me that Mason ditched her after you guys left the office this morning." I said handing him the salad bowl. "Angel helped her pretty much the whole day."

"I'll talk to him when he gets in. Did she have a good day though?" I nodded. "She said it was good. A lot better than what she was expecting. That's not all though, Angel invited her to tryouts and Mason told her that she had to watch the boys because Avery and I were going out."

"That doesn't make sense Avery's in Cancun." He said lost in the sauce. "Exactly what I said. Supposedly he said I texted him saying that she needed to watch them."

"I don't understand why he would be so bothered about her going to tryouts. I'm sure a lot of the girls go and watch them." Adam nodded along with what I had to say. "I guess we'll find out later."

So far dinner was going good. The kids were all getting along which I was glad for because Mason had a permanent scowl on his face the second he walk in the door. I really don't know what's going on with him, it Adam and I really need to nip this behavior in a bud before it gets too out of hand.

"So Mason, how do you like having Macie at school with you?" Angels' mother Roselyn asked. He just shrugged stuff a spoonful of Spanish rice and beans in his mouth. "It'd be great if I didn't have to play babysitter." He said with a side eye glance toward Adam and I.

"Do you want a repeat of this morning?" Adam asked. "After dinner I want to talk to you again and it'll be the last time I address this situation."

"I'm sure she'll find her way soon." She replied trying to lighten the mood.

"Some babysitter you are leaving me without help." Macie spoke up with a harsh tone. This surprised everyone at the table because she wasn't one to take place in conflicts. She was always the peacemaker. "You couldn't even help me with my locker, which I learned is three down from yours."

"Wow she can speak up for herself." Mason said clapping. "We've made a breakthrough everyone."

"Mason!" I scolded from across the table. "I want your phone, Xbox, and TV cord on my dresser now. Me and your father will be up to talk to you once the Sanchez's leave."

"Who wants dessert? I made Tres Leches." Roselyn announced. "Actually, I think we have to cut dinner short tonight."

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