Chapter 1: Andromeda

Start from the beginning

Before she could answer, Bellatrix screamed


Narcissa giggled first. Andromeda smiled pleased. These two were the people Andy loved most in the world. Perhaps that love existed. The one she had for her sisters.

"Last one to get to the lake is a troll" Andromeda fled as fast as she could to the lake, giggling excitedly.

"NOT FAIR ANDY!" Cissy protested but ran after her laughing.

Once in the lake, Bellatrix attacked them with a splash of water. Andromeda gasped; she was soaking wet by this point. Druella was surely going to punish them. But she didn't care. The girls laughed and played in the lake, throwing water at each other, and laughing, laughing, laughing. Always glee, the Black sisters were, as long as they were together.


August, 1998

Teddy was the living image of Remus. Andromeda was aware of that. But all she thought about when she saw that baby, was her daughter. Nymphadora. Andy had made everything to keep her safe, to keep all of them safe. But it was useless. Her life had been destroyed for the man that her sister once preached. It all began because of him. That man changed Bellatrix into someone Andromeda could barely recognize. A monster who had killed her own niece, like she was a worm in a garden. And because of that man, she lost Ted too. Ted had been her love, her companion, the man of her life. Andromeda missed both of them a lot. More than she had ever missed her sisters all these years.

All that Andromeda had left, was that baby boy. He was the only reason she still kept going. That boy gave her force and strength to walk still in that world full of sorrow and past ghosts, even if the war was over. Even if that man had been destroyed.

Andromeda received visits. For Harry Potter himself, Teddy's godfather, and his friends. He came every week and the baby had grown accustomed to him by now. And also, that Charlie Weasley came once. He had to go back to Rumania for his job. Andromeda knew how much he loved Dora.

The War left scars. Both wars did, especially on Andromeda's case. She had lost so many people. But worse, she had lost herself. Andy was no longer that playful dreamy girl that wanted to travel the world. She simply had traded that life, for love. She had done everything for love.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. She picked up Teddy for precaution. Andy never left him alone. She was a bit paranoic yes, but after everything she had been through, everyone would.

When she opened the door, she almost dropped to the floor. For, the person that was on the other side, was none other thar her sister Narcissa.

"Cissy!" she exclaimed

Narcissa looked older, more elegant, more arrogant, different. Sure, Andromeda had seen her sister on The Daily Prophet next to her husband and her son. But face to face, they haven't seen each other in 26 years. Yes, Andromeda had counted each one of them.

Narcissa looked pale with bags under her eyes. Like she hadn't been sleeping properly in years. Andromeda knew her and her husband had been released from their death eater charges. They were free, for now.

Narcissa eyed carefully at the boy in Andromeda's arms. Teddy had his hair purple today.

"Andromeda" she said in a very aristocrat and sophisticated tone "I request to speak to you"

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