The event planner had tried their best to narrow down the list without much luck.
There were almost eight hundred guests in the end, and Yoongi's apologetic look at you reduced your resentment in the end and you finally gave in.

Hence, the pain on your heels after unending bowing, quick nod and handshakes from table to table, you had to remove yourself from the crowd temporarily, with an excuse that you need to fix your make up.
As much as you wanted to lay down and rest your legs, but you had learned your duty as the host, even if he didn't ask you to.

The door bell was buzzed three times, followed by Mrs. Kwon walked and opened it, revealing Jungkook in his dark grey suit, stepping inside the room with both hands in his pocket pants.
Mrs. Kwon nodded to him, before walked out from the room, closing the door on her way.

He didn't say anything at first, just like you, who for a moment there, didn't even know what to say to him.
You could see his adam apple bobbed when he swallowed with clenched jaw, his eyes trained at you with unreadable look.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you. "

There was a lingering awkward quietness for a moment before you continued with unsure tone.
"So is ... your fiancee."
He looked somewhat distant, it was unusual for you after all the time you spent with him before, he was like a different person.
"I saw her picture before, and it didn't justify the real person. She looks even more stunning in real life."

"Embelished with luxury all her life, no less. The type of woman that I tried to avoid, but sometimes life has a funny way to give us exactly what we detest. To teach us to face our own fear, don't you think?"
The bitterness in his voice was perceptible, even if he didn't aim it to you, but you couldn't help but feeling guilty over his adversity.

"Jungkook, I'm ... I'm sorry."

"No need. I told you before, this path is the kind of life I have to go through in the end."
He let out a deep huff, before gestured to the door.
"They are waiting for you, the wedding dance will start soon. They sent me to call you because he still needs to attend to the Prime Minister."

Because of the murder attempt, Yoongi tightened the security measures before and during event.
Only the boys, Sejin or Mrs. Kwon were allowed to enter the penthouse floor, not even the head of event planner was granted the access.
It was overkill, but considering what happened the last time you ignored his warning, you kept your obedience this time.

Walking to the elevator with Sejin and Mrs. Kwon followed both of you, you stole a glance at Jungkook, who was still wearing a solemn expression on his face.
When you arrived in front of the big door of the ballroom, he stopped for a moment, looking right into your eyes.

"Are you happy, Yuri?"

His eyes had a gentle look on you, you could feel his sincerity, he just wanted to make sure you were okay.

"I don't remember when was the last time I'm this happy."
It was a long time ago, probably when your parents were still alive, when everything about your struggle was only revolved around school and assignments, even with meager food on the table.

He nodded.
"That's what matter the most."
He held your shoulder before landed a kiss on your cheek.
"Congratulations, Yuri."

You stared at his back walking away from you, there was a confusing mix of emotion in your heart, like you had lost a best friend. He had been your companion, the one who consoled and cheered you up whenever you were downhearted, your confidant during the moments when you felt completely numb in confinement.
But again, in life, sometimes you just couldn't have it all, you needed to let go.

His Pet ♤ Min Yoongi♤ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now