I hold myself together, or try to, as I make my way down the street. The touching only got worse but I couldn't do anything expect hold my tears back. 

I know that the reporters will get a good story out of all of this though because by the time I got to the hotel, I already had a few tears streaming down my face. 

I normally don't cry this much but this is all just too over whelming, especially when I'm all alone.

I quickly made my way through the pretty empty lobby, pushing the button to the elevator as quickly as I could. I could still hear them screaming at me through the doors and it only made more tears fall down my face and quicker. 

As soon as the doors opened, I waisted no time getting in the elevator and waiting for it to get to my floor. I quickly made my way out of the elevator and into my hotel room, leaning against the shut door once I was inside. 

I then heard a voice, Harry, and a bunch of other sounds, probably the boys. But it was too late for me to run because they already saw the tears that were staining my cheeks. 

"Baby what happened?" Harry asks, walking over to me and quickly pulling me into his arms. 

Suddenly, the random noises come out of from the corner, indeed being the boys but my tears didn't stop. 

"I-I was walking down the street and they came out of no where's. They s-started screaming things at me t-they started to t-touch me and I-I didn't know-" I stumble over my words, sniffling a lot as I tried to stop the tears but they wouldn't. 

"Whose they?" Harry's asks me as he pulls away from the hug. 

"T-The paparazzi." I answer, sniffling the second I finish talking. 

Dammit Vada! Stop crying! 

Suddenly, Harry's eyes turn dark and his jaw clenches. 

"That son of a bitch." He mumbles, softly moving me aside before storming out of the room. 

In panic, I look at the guys and then rush out after Harry.

By the time I made it out of the room, Harry was already halfway down the hallway. I ran after him unsure of where he was going, the boys not far behind me. 

"Harry!" I yell at him, hoping he turns around. 

I don't know what he's going to do but it's not going to be good. He literally looks as if he could kill someone. 

He then stops at one of the doors and starts knocking on the door like a lunatic. I run up to him, tears still streaming down my face. 

"What are you doing?" I ask him but he ignores me. 

The door then swings open and I see shakes standing there annoyed. 

By the time I was to realize what Harry was going to do, I was too late cause Harry's fist connected with James jaw. James then pushed Harry into the hall, looking as if he was going to hit Harry but we all know he won't cause he's a fucking pussy when he can't threaten people. 

I quickly get pulled behind Liam and into Niall's arms as he hugs me for comfort the second they saw my scared face. 

I jump a little as Harry punches James again making James stumble back into the wall. 

"It's ok, Vay." Niall mumbles, hugging me in the most friendly way possible. 

The rest of the boys were standing there, prepared to grab Harry incase things escalate too much but it's looks like they were pretty mad at James too for calling the paparazzi and telling them were I was.

Suddenly, Harry grabs James by the collar of his shirt and pins him against the wall. 

"I told you to leave her out of the fucking media." Harry growled. 

James let's out a smile, but a petty one. "It was coming sooner or later. I just gave a little push." He speaks before being shoved against the wall again roughly by Harry. 

"I swear to fucking god James, pull this again and I will break more than your nose." Harry mutters before shoving James away from him and walking over to me slowly.

I never saw Harry as a violent person so this is new. 

He quickly wraps his arms around my body, kissing my forehead. 

"I'm so sorry." He tells me, like he just remembered my trauma with watching people get hit.

"C-Can we please just go?" I mumble into his neck as he pulls me tighter to him. 

He nods and we slowly make our way back to our hotel room, the boys following behind us. 

A lot has happened the past week, too much. 

We finally get into the hotel room and the room stays as silent as it was when it was empty. 

"Are you ok, Vada?" Louis asks after a minute. I furrow my eyebrows and nod slowly. 

"I'm fine, that was just... a lot for today." I mumble.

"I'm sorry." Harry whispers to me, placing his hand on my inner thigh. I shake my head and yawn.

"I don't care about you hitting James, he's a little bitch. I would have done it myself but I didn't know he was the one that called the pap." I joke, trying to make them all smile. 

It worked. 

"Good, cause I'm not sorry for hitting him. I'm sorry you had to deal with the pap by yourself." He explains.

"Whatever." I shrug.

"No, it's not whatever. They shouldn't have done that and they really shouldn't have... touched you." Harry says, clenching his jaw by the end of his sentence. 

"Can't do anything about it now. What time do we have to leave for the airport?" I ask, desperate for a topic change. Thankfully, Liam went along with it. 

"In about an hour." He tells me, checking his watch. 


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