"Eren, this is ridiculous!" Armin shouted.

"I know," he sniffed. "I am too young to die!"

"No! I'm saying it's ridiculous to fight over a dress!" Armin gestured to the chaos unraveling in front of them. Everywhere they looked, there was someone fighting over the dress and forming angry mobs.

Suddenly Jean bursted through an angry mob and collapsed on the floor.

"Jean!" Eren shouted. They quickly ran over to Jean and dragged him to safety.

"I was shot," Jean winced as he held his stomach.

Eren removed his hand to see a serious ketchup stain on his shirt.

"Are you kidding me!" Armin shouted.

"I never saw it coming," Jean coughed. "It hit me right as I ran down the 400 hallway." His voice became quieter. "Eren, Armin. Please, if I don't make it, I need you to tell Marco..."

Eren and Armin leaned in closer.

"That he still owes me $5," Jean stated before he closed his eyes and stuck out his tongue.

"For heaven's sakes!" Armin shouted. "It's ketchup!"

"Alright, Armin," Eren placed his had on Armin's shoulder. "I'm going to have to leave you, buddy. My next class is downstairs. hopefully it's better."

Jean sat up. "Not really. Downstairs is the home turf of the Gold and Silver. I'd avoid them even if you think the dress is white and gold."

"Fuuucck," Eren groaned. "Goodbye Armin." Eren took out his mechanical pencil and loaded it like a gun. He saluted Armin before running down the stairs shouting a battle cry.

"Holy cheeseballs," Armin breathed. He focused on the hallway. If he stayed low and possibly army crawled across the hallway staying on the sides, he could get to his math class. However, to get to math class, he had to pass the 400 hallway.

"Here goes nothing," Armin uttered as he crawled on the ground, avoiding open spaces and crowded areas.

When he finally saw the 400 hallway, he saw what Connie was talking about. It was like a battlefield. Projectile pencils and pens flew across the skies. There was no way anyone can get out without risking all he or she had.

Armin felt a large hand on his shoulder. Immediately he jumped, "THE DRESS IS WHITE AND GOLD! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME-"

The hand covered his mouth. He turned around to see Reiner and Bertolt.

"This is the Blue and Black territory," Bertolt warned.

"So you're trying to cross the deadly 400?" Reiner asked. "I'm trying to get Bertolt there safe and sound to math class."

"Yeah I know. He's in my math class," Armin stated.

"Look, the only way you can cross the death trench is if you run across as quick as you can," Reiner said. "If anyone tells you to stop, keep running and pray you won't get shot. When I say go, run and don't look back. 3..."

"Are we seriously doing this?" Armin asked.


"We're doing this, aren't we?" Armin facepalmed.

"1! Go!" Reiner shouted as we sprinted down the hallway, Bertolt and Armin at the front.

Bertolt and Armin made it across at the same time, but they looked back to see Reiner on the floor. "I've been shot!" He shouted while looking dramatically up at Bertolt.

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