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3rd POV:

Right at this moment Duncan was dying.... of laughter, right now Ashley was telling Duncan what happened while he was away.

Duncan: "Hehehehhahaha, s-so what you are telling me is that Saber got beaten by Caster's master?!"

Ashley: "That's right, those idiots had a plan to ambush Caster and her master buuuuuttt...."

Medusa: "It didn't go as planned."

While Medusa had some mercy on their dignity Jalter had none.

Jalter: "No shit, Archer didn't even bother to show up."

Scathach: "But Shirou did learn something from their battle."

Ashley: "Ah yes, it kinda reminds me how Duncan conjures weapons out of Hellfire."

That made Duncan curious.

Duncan: "What did the idiot do this time?" He deadpanned.

Medusa: "He was able to project Archer's swords."

Duncan: "Well it's about damn time!" Said with a happy tone.

Everyone: "Eh?"

Duncan: "Considering who Archer is, i  thought sooner or later something is gonna connect between this two."

That made everyone present curious about what Duncan knew about Archer.

Medusa: "You know who Archer is?"

Duncan: "More like what he is." He said before opening a can of beer.

Ashley: "So...?"

Duncan: "A counter guardian."

Scathach widened her eyes.

Duncan: "I think you already know what that means." Stated in a serious tone.

Jalter: "Wait you said something about Shirou and Archer being related in some way, they are like siblings or..."

Duncan: "They are one and the same."

Ashley: "What is that supposed to mean?"

Duncan: "Well the Grail summons heroes across the time that also means a heroic spirit can be summoned from the future."

Scathach: "What you are saying is that Archer is from the future."

Duncan: "Ding, ding, ding, that's right Archer is Shirou from an alternative timeline where he made a deal with Alaya."

Medusa: "But why would he do something like that?"

Ashley: "His ideal."

Duncan: "Correct he was blinded by his ideal, to become a hero of justice, to save everyone no matter who they are, but that was his downfall, he abandoned everyone he knew to save some strangers and that got him a hero's prize, right at the gallows."

Medusa: "For how long you knew?"

Duncan: "When i saw Archer i thought something was strange when his soul and Shirou's were identical so i took a closer look."

Jalter: "Wait, wait, wait... what do you mean his soul and a closer look?"

Duncan: "Well, as The Ghost Rider i can see the souls of the others and when i use The Rider's eyes i can see their past deeds, that's how i pass judgment."

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