The Wolf, The Tiger and The Snake

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3rd POV:

After both Jalter and Scathach a.k.a Lancer, have been informed about their new guardian angel, the following day Ashley had to prepare to go to school.

Duncan was already awake early in the morning and preparing breakfast for their new roommates.

Hearing footsteps Duncan directed his attention to another early bird, that being Scathach.

Hearing footsteps Duncan directed his attention to another early bird, that being Scathach

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Duncan: "Morning." He greeted the spear wielding servant.

Scathach: "Good morning, i didn't think you would be up so early."

Duncan: "It's an old habit, plus i had to prepare breakfast, here."

He served her a plate with bacon, sausages, baked beans, eggs, mushrooms and grilled tomatoes.

Scathach: "Wait, is that?" She asked with a certain glint in her eyes.

Duncan: "I'm no expert but i still tried my hand, hope you like it."

Scathach started eating her breakfast, meanwhile having a content smile.

Duncan: "So, how you have been handling?"

Scathach: "If you are referring to your powers, Ashley had explained everything, no wonder you were keeping that transformation as a last resort."

Duncan: "I'm not a big fan of people seeing me like that and thank you,
for understanding."

Scathach: "No problem, but i must ask something."

Duncan looked at her waiting for her question.

Scathach: "Did you train Ashley yourself?"

Duncan: "Uhh, yes."

At that moment her eyes looked like they were glowing.

Scathach: "I see, she has potential to grow stronger, but where did you learn how to fight, i believe the level of skill displayed when you fought Berserker doesn't just appear overnight, with dual scythes nonetheless."

To say that Duncan saw that question from a mile away was an understatement. After all she agreed to train Ashley as well.

Duncan: "Pain and experience, i learned how to fight over time, Zarathos taught me how to use my powers, but my skill in combat is something else."

Scathach: "So you are saying you don't have a teacher?"

Duncan: "No?"

He responded unsure of where the conversation is going.

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