Kim Seokjin

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Jin and Suga are in their rooms in the evening. Suga is on his bed, listening to some music and humming to the tune, while Jin is on the desk where his mirror is. He is taking off his make up and glances towards Yoongi. Yoongi is shirtless and has his pale torso on full display. He looks fragile with a skin like porcelain. Jin bites his lip. He sighs and continues to take of his make up.

Yoongi was listening to some tunes when he glances at Jin. He could hear Jin sigh above his headphones for the nth time this evening. Something was bothering the eldest. He knew Jin long enough for him to be able to read his behavior. They've been roomies for over 7 years now. Best roomies, to say. They both knew to give each other space and be respectful to the other. Yoongi is very happy with Jin. Jin never invades his privacy, and he is grateful for that. Because some nights he is outside. The whole night and he is sure that anyone would have noticed the metalic smell on his breath. But Jin never complained about bad breath in the morning. He smirks. Jin is his bestie for a reason. Talking about those nights... It is soon that night again. Suga looks out the window, longingly to the outside, licking his lips. He doesn't feed often, especially since they got famous. He is getting more and more scared to go out in the daytime, nevermind in the night time. Luckily he has a super power that allows him the coverage of night as a shield. He can become a shadow to move around.

Jin sighs for the nth time this evening. He looks in the mirror and touches his face. He could swear he can see the start of a wrinkle next to his eyes. That's what you get when you laugh constantly. I can't help it, i'm just this happy all the time with them... And my jokes are hilarious. He frowns and sighs. Suga is annoyed and throws off his blankets. He knows that when Jin has a sighing streak, something is up, something is bothering him. "Jin. What's wrong?" He asks and Jin looks from his mirror behind him at Suga, who is sitting up in his bed now, his chest wide in exposure because of the lack of blankets. He is just wearing a shorts with a dragon on. His small, pale legs sticking out of the way too big shorts. Jin really adores his weird roommate. And he knows. 

"My beauty is fading... I am getting older..." He swallows and looks back in the mirror. Suga frowns. He doesn't like self harm, self mutilation or self destruction. God knows, he has known that beast inside and out before he joined BTS. "Jin..." He gets up and walks to Jin to softly lay his hand on his shoulder. He bends forward and looks in the mirror with Jin. "You are still as beautiful as ever. You're only 30, ffs. Look at you." And he pokes Jin's skin. It's soft and warm underneath his cool touch. Jin doesn't mention his lower temperature. He did wonder about it in the beginning but soon found out why. He never questioned it since then. He turns to face away from the mirror and looks at Suga's sharp jaw portruding his pale skin. "Make me like you." He whispers. Suga's eyes grow wide and he slowly turns to Jin, facing him. "Wh-what do you mean?" "You know what I mean. I want it. I want the eternal youth." Suga starts to pull away from Jin while mumbling things like "dunknowwhatyourtalkingabout." But Jin pulls him closer again. Nose to nose he whispers again. "Please. Turn me. Now. I want to keep this. I know. I know what you are." Suga swallows.

He pushes Jin away, a bit more rough than before. "You don't know what you are talking about." And he is blocked. He could become a shadow and escape, but go where? And most of all, he would freak Jin out. No, he was trapped in the room. He has no choice but to take Jin into his trust. "How long?" He asks. "How long what?" "How long have you known?" "Quite some time, to be honest. I once saw blood on your shirt when doing our laundry, and I also could smell the iron on your breath. You are always pale, and cold to the touch." "You forgot the most important part. I am a monster. I  am a predator. I stay alive by doing unspeakable things. Suspended in time. A corpse that won't rot. Is that so romantic to you?" "Hey, I would freeze myself if I could but technology isn't that advanced yet, and why would I be a frozen corps if I could be alive and not deprice this world of my worldwide beauty and charm?" "JIN! THIS ISN'T A JOKE!" "I know. I know how much you hate it. But I am desperate here. I want this. I have been thinking about it a while. I know it probably has so many downsides. But I made up my mind. I want it, Yoongi." Suga's stomach turns to ice. Jin barely uses his real name like that, only if he is serious about something and won't budge about it. Like when he forced Suga to stop smoking. Suga shivers at the memory of that time. You don't want to get that Jin back, believe me. 

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