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I woke up late, my arms wrapped around a fragile frame. ZeYu was still sleeping, a big, yellow t shirt that he had stolen from my closet hung off of his slender shoulder.

The burgundy locks stuck up in all directions and his lips pouted from being squished against my bicep. He's so cute.

"ZeYu." I whispered, half hoping he would still stay sleeping. He stirred awake and looked at me dorm over his shoulder.
"Mm... good morning." He yawned, stretching out a bit, still encased in my hold.
He turned my way and planted a kiss on my lips, snuggling deeper into my chest.

We sat in a comfortable silence before ZeYu left a trail of kisses up my neck and back to my lips.

"Happy Father's Day." He said, kissing me again.

Oh right! This is my first Father's Day!

"Happy Father's Day." I smiled back, hugging him close before stirring JJ awake. He had slept in his father's arms the whole night.

"Good morning bub." I said softly, letting ZeYu lay back down as I took JJ into my arms. The two of us made our way to Angel's crib, the baby still sleeping with a droopy smile. Her little arms raised above her head and black hair in all different directions.

"Kiss sissy good morning." I whispered to JJ, lowering him enough to kiss his sister. My stomach did flips as I repeated that in my head. Sister. Sister. Sister. JJ and Angel are practically brother and sister.

I felt a pair of arms wrap about my waist as a head rested on my shoulder.

"Did you kiss sissy?" ZeYu asked the little boy, who happily yet tiredly nodded.

I turned to the tired beauty, letting JJ back down onto his feet.

"I love you ZeYu."

"I love you too."

I smiled and brought him into a kiss; hands gripping his small waist.

"Let's go eat something yeah?" ZeYu asked, taking JJ's hand and kissing me once more. I nodded and gathered my Angel, bringing her with us.


Hanyu POV

MingRui looked me over, a small smile on his face the whole time. "You're handsome." He finally comments, his body heating my own. His pretty little body found perch on my lap, hands in my hair and my big sweat shirt hung loosely over his body.

I couldn't say much, his beauty really being a thing of awe. The way he was just content with me and clung to me like humidity.

"Happy Father's Day." He kissed my lips slowly, not wanting to pull away. My hands squeezed the cinched waist, pulling the boy closer, chests flush.

"Thank you baby." I broke away and rested my forehead against his.

"Should we go wake up the twins?" He asked, trying to climb off my lap but failing. My heart sped up because who would want him to leave?
"No. Let's let them sleep. Just be with me." I pleaded, pressing my face into his stomach.

He giggled and ran his fingers through my hair, the gentle tug at the end waking me further.
"Okay. But it's father's day. So you have to spend time with them today. Okay daddy?" He asked, completely innocently may I add. I knew it was just a word he was using in place of father but.... DAMN!!!


Zihao POV

Abie and I had been up with the sunrise, packing a small picnic and leaving before most of them could wake up.

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