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Xinlong's POV


Oh gosh I'm dying.

"Oh, hi." The boy shot a smile my way, Heart beating like an addict on OD.

"I'm Zeyu. I live here with the others." He held out his hand to shake, but I was too nervous to say anything.
"He-Hi I'm ZeYu- no I'm Angel, XINLONG! I'm Xinlong." My body felt all sweaty. Damn what's wrong with me?

Zeyu giggled at my idiotic actions and took my hand in his own to shake.
"You must be all shaken up huh?" He questioned, completely right tho. I was still all sorts of confused.

"Well, if you need to talk to someone in here. Me and JJ have been here for 2 years already, so I know the place inside and out." He smiled and then let go of my hand, leaving me internally panting for more. Just a small touch would do. I think I'm just touch hungry. Right. I'm just going to ignore the bubbles I feel in my stomach when I look at this new boy.
He had just walked in, and already I felt like a pile of jello on the ground.

"Xinlong, Xinlong." I turned to see Zihao holding out Angel to me, dressed in the pink onesie we had picked for her. To say my heart melted was an understatement. Angel looked like the most adorable thing I had ever seen, her cheeks already so chunky and the way she just went along with everything. She was a very good baby.
"Aww hi Angel!" I gushed, taking her from Zihao and holding her snuggly to my chest.

"What a cutie!" ZeYu cooed.

~ "Aw! What a cutie!" Aunt Trina gushed, eyes still glued to the sonogram. "She's already so cute Sara-lyn. You two make cute babies." She laughed, pinching my cheek. I couldn't help but blush.
"C'mon Aunt Trina, she kinda just looks like a little lasagna right now. Stop embarrassing Xinlong." Sara-lyn attached herself to my arm and pulled me away from Trina.

"Oh Lyn, you know I'm just teasing him. He gets red so easily." She laughs again and I sink into Sara-lyn's side, trying to hide.

"But she's going to be the cutest. You know Lyn was a chubby baby."

"Aunt Trina!" She groaned but I couldn't help but smile. I bet she was. ~


"Oh hey you're back!" I heard what I think was MingRui. "Yep, how'd today go?" Hanyu Seemed off. That's a funny thing to say considering I only met him all of 6 hours ago. But still, he had been bubbly when he left, and down when he came back.

"What's wrong ge?" MingRui asked.
I wanted to see what was going on I had been feeding (well trying to) Angel in the kitchen. Zihao was trying to walk me through everything but I was lost in thought.

"Xinlong, you're not even listening!"

"Sorry, sorry I was just listening to them." I said, looking back down at the small baby girl in my arms. Damn, she's so little, and pink and just so cute. I can barely contain myself when I look at her. She really was an Angel. Maybe the angel I needed to cope with Sara-lyn.

Were you sent here to protect me Angel? To make sure I would okay on my own? If so, I thank you, already you've made things better for me. I'm going to dedicate my life to you. Something so precious deserves all my attention. Thank you Sara-lyn, for leaving me with a reason to live. You know you were going yet you loved me so much that you couldn't bare to leave me alone.

"Hey are you okay?" Zihao snapped me out of my thoughts. I hadn't noticed but I had let a few tears slip. "Yeah, no no I'm fine. It's just so much has happened in just 24 hours so I'm kinda still sorting everything out." I explained. He nodded and I knew he understood more than he could express. "Yeah I totally get it."

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