Abie's Calander pt.2

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"I swear, it doesn't hurt too bad." Lanika tried to convince me that the gash she had in her scalp wasn't painful. Bullshit!
"Nika, please come live with me. Now, even if we don't get pregnant. This isn't safe." I pleaded , pulling her to my chest, trying not to get angry. I wasn't angry at her. No not at all. I was angry at her son of a bitch father. Who the fuck could hit this precious girl? Who the fuck could do that to their own daughter?

"Zihao-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I don't stick up for myself. I'm just so scared. I get so scared I can't move and then it just happens." She began to sob into my chest, hopefully finding comfort. I couldn't stop the inevitable tears from flowing. The person I loved more than anything was being hurt and I couldn't do much more than I already was.
"You don't have to apologize. Okay this isn't your fault. This is NOT YOUR FAULT!" I squeezed her tighter.

"Just-just stay." She kept me in one place on her bed, head still dug into my chest. I wasn't planning on staying the night but she wanted me to stay. I would do anything of she asked.
"Okay." I kissed the top of her head, careful of the wound. I offered to clean it for her but she just wanted to cuddle after our sob fest.

"You still want that baby?" She asked, maybe trying to get her mind off of the pain she was feeling. "Mhm." I nodded.

"What should we name it?" She asked, completely switching the mood I thought we were going towards. I told my body to settle down and then tried to think of a name.
"Mmm... something cute." Was all I could come up with. I didn't know what names I liked. I was never very baby obsessed. Never really got the baby fever.

"How about Abigail if it's a girl? That was my grandma's name." Lanika smiled at the thought.
"That's pretty." I agreed.

"And if it's a boy?" I questioned, squeezing the pretty girl closer to me.
"I like your name." She kissed my lips, pushing her thick body against mine.
"Too bad. I don't." I kissed her again and tried to discourage her from using my name.
"Why not?" Nika pouted like the cute baby she was, trying to win my favor by squishing on me in the right places.
"That baby will already have one of my names by default, so pick another one."

"Eh why bother. It's gonna be a girl anyways." She laughed, stealing another kiss before pulling a heavy blanket over us both.
"What's this for?" I asked looking down at her pretty brown eyes, long lashes framing them like a beautiful picture.
She gives me a look only I knew the meaning of. "I'm cold."

"I cold daddy." Abie whined, arms reaching out for me to pick her up. I happily did so and hugged the baby to my chest, hoping I'd transfer some body heat. She was cold dang! Poor baby!
"Let's get you a jacket." I walk her up towards the nursery, hoping to just find a few napping babies, but to my surprise I see my friend ZeYu and Xinlong, holding Angel as if they were a couple, just admiring her. I mean she's cute but ZeYu is really falling for that kid.

"Beep beep! Coming through!" I open the door wider and make my presence known. The two snapped up from their thoughts and gave me immediate customer service smiles. A secret hiding behind those fake expressions. I've been around enough fake people to know when somethings going on. And also those two were causing quite a ruckus just two nights ago in Zeyu's bedroom.

There was a lot of screaming so I went to check on them but I was stopped at the door when I heard a "oh fuck- Xinlong ow!" And I instantly decided I wouldn't be stepping foot in that room. ZeYu had also come out of his room the next morning covered in bruises, so I guess it was good I left them be. Well, at least I know they get along.

"What're you guys doing?" I asked, searching through the drawers for Abie's jacket.

"Just looking at the baby." ZeYu smiled genuinely and tapped Angel's pouty lips with the tip of his finger.

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