Abie's Calander pt.3

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~"So pretty, so fucking pretty." I kissed her plump lips as our bodies pulled apart.

"M' tired Zi." She huffed, rolling over and cuddling into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her plush body and nuzzled my face into her long braids.
I loved it when she got he hair done like this, the thick box braids made me happy with all the colors she would have braided in. 
"Are you smelling my hair?" Lanika giggled. Trying to get closer to me, though we were as close as we could get without going back to our previous activities.
"Mhm." I nodded, kissing the top of her head.

"So, what's the calendar for this month?" I asked, referring to the little calendar Nika had hid under her bed.

"Eh, we'll have to do it all the days this coming week. My ovulation cycle is kinda long so we have a bigger window." She hummed against my chest.
"Oh no!" I said with sarcasm, attacking her pretty face with kisses.
"Zihao stop!" She squealed as I continued.

"What about this month?" I asked, resting my head in her shoulder. "Still not pregnant. So we'll have to really get down." She looked so determined, wanting to leave her father as much as I wanted her to.

"Okay no problem baby gir-"

I could barely finish my sentence before I was on the floor... you know what happens...


"Anything yet?" I played with her braids as we sat on her bed. Nika had her head down in frustration. More bruises had been added to the collection, anger burning inside of me. We need to have this baby and get her out of here.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, shoulders beginning to shake.
"Baby what's wrong?"

"Zihao I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" She began to panic. I wrapped her in my arms quickly to relax her, rocking back and forth in our embrace.

"I'm so sorry I can't get pregnant. I want to I really do but it's just not working. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." Nika sobbed into my chest.

"Hey, hey it's not your fault baby. Okay none of this is your fault? We just have to keep trying, yeah?" I kiss the top of her head in reassurance.


"Zihao! Zihao!"

This was a switch. Usually I was the one running down her hallway. But today Nika had run to me at my locker, arms waving and a smile On her face.

Gosh damn we did it!

Nika hugged me close in the middle of the school hallway, planting big kisses on my face.

"We did it baby! I'm pregnant!" She whisper shouted. I had been waiting for so long, following that damn calander. And now she was pregnant. We were having a baby!

"Abie! C'mon baby girl!" I called out, a sea of three year olds coming towards me. The school nursery was packed... with just our kids but still there were quite a few of them. Only 3 of the kids didn't belong to anyone in the house, and they were teacher's kids.
"Daddy!" She waddled towards me with a big smile like her mother's.

"Hi princess! How was your day?"
I picked her up and kissed her chunky cheeks.

"Good, I got a boyfriend." She hugged me close.

I know she's only three but those words already haunted me. I never wanted to hear them.

"No, you didn't." I immediately shut the idea down.

"Yes I did." She argued, giving me a sassy look.




"Yes! I did!"

"Daddy says no boys, okay. Don't be with the boys. Don't play with the boys, don't look at the boys... just no boys."

"Ugh... fine." She pouted, burying her face in my neck to hide.

"Let's go home baby girl."

"Mm." She grunted obviously disappointed, but she was a good girl.

Her fingers gripped onto my hair, maybe in retaliation.
"Hey! That's a no no! You know that!" I yelled, a group of kids staring at me in the hallway.

Abie looked up from where she had hid her face and gave me those puppy dog eyes. The ones Nika would give. My heart melted and I hugged my baby close to me. "Just don't do it anymore."

"Yes daddy."

"Okay good. I love you."

"I love you too daddy."


~I love you too Zihao.~

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