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Welcome to season two of Angel! Please enjoy 😉

It was raining, all three days.

It had been raining when they buried Sara-lyn a month ago.

It was raining when they buried Lanika 2 weeks ago.

And it's raining today, Hanyu standing at the door soaked from head to toe, Sammy and Ben looking less bubbly then usual, having buried their mother. I don't know if they understood what was going on. But they somehow knew they wouldn't be seeing her again.

"Rui?" Hanyu called out, eyes searching the living room. "Rui!"
"He's upstairs. He went back to bed when you left." ZeYu explained, cuddling closer to my side on the couch, Angel looking at the both of us wide eyed on my stomach.

Hanyu closed his eyes and took in a sigh of annoyance. He slammed the door shut behind him and left the twins in the living room with us.


"Stay there!"

He yelled, running up the stairs.

The two little boys looked so confused, and a little sad.

"Come here babies." ZeYu said, reaching out for the now 3 year-olds. They jumped onto the couch and snuggled into either of our sides, eyes landing on Angel. "Is Angel a girl?" Sammy asked, placing his face next to her's on my chest. I couldn't help but smile.
"Mhm." I nodded, caressing the precious girl's head. Her hair had thickened immensely in the past month, her eyes lashed had gotten longer and she was getting chunkier by the day. Ugh she was so cute!

"I like girls." Sammy added.
"Good, girls are nice to be around." ZeYu smiled, eyes glued to my baby.

I look up at my boyfriend, no one knew of course. But he was so pretty. "So are boys." I almost whispered, still catching his attention.
He blushed and looked away, still trying to cuddle closer.


"Rui!" I stormed into his room, the boy laying on his bed.
He sat up quickly, looking my way.
"Hey baby, are you okay?"

I gulped, not really knowing why I was angry with him now. Rui got up from his bed and met me at the door, closing it behind the two of us.

"I-I don't, Rui, I'm sorry-" my words were jumbling, eyes burning, and lungs beginning to fill with imaginary water.
"Hanyu, baby what's wrong?"
MingRui gently kissed my cheek, arms wrapping a round my neck, nuzzling into my neck.

"Oh fuck." I whispered.

"Was it too hard for you baby? She is their mother." Rui kissed me again.
"I'm not sad about Liv." I sniffed, hugging him close to my chest, never wanting to let go of him. He had been my rock in this whole thing, loving me unconditionally, and still adoring my boys.

"I-I'm so sad for my babies. They- they barely knew her. I know she wasn't anything great but she still... we still made them together. We had a relationship, Rui....it wasn't good, hell it was terrible, but my sons." By this time I was full on sobbing into my lover's embrace. He kept me close to himself and squeezed me tight, the pressure washing away my emotions.

"I know, I know Hanyu. I'm sorry. Come lay with me yeah?"

I nodded and stripped off my jacket, following the beauty to his bed, his hand holding mine firmly.
"C'mere baby, lay down." MingRui cradled my head against his chest, his fingers lacing through my hair and twirling the tendrils as I let more tears slip.
"I love you Rui." I sniffed, leaving a little kiss on his shoulder.
"I love you Hanyu." He left a lingering kiss on my hair, hugging me tighter.

"How about that baby?" I joked, laughing just in case he thought I was serious.

"Jiabao Hanyu! Stop it!" He laughed along.

"I'm not ready you know that. I'll let you know when I am." He explained for the 200th time, kissing me once more. I knew he wasn't ready...I was but I would wait for him forever.


Abie was snuggled into my chest, the two of us under a big blanket watching heaven knows what on my laptop. Abie sang along as best she could to whatever music the little characters were singing.

"Yes baby?" I moved the hair dangling in her face and tucked it behind her ear.

"See momma?" Abie looked up at me with eyes like Lanika's.
"Not today baby. She's still sleeping." I lied. I would tell her when she was ready. When I was ready.

Yay!!! First episode of s2! Enjoy ❤️❤️

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